26. Bobby and Y/n Begin Again

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It felt weird Dad not being the Captain. Instead it was going to be Chim. The only time my Dad wasn't my captain was when my Chief was Boden. I didn't like it. I wouldn't be able to bring myself to say it. It was my shift off and I was reflecting on the time that my Dad almost died which would've truly left me alone. I'd paid the rest of money to Hayden which was a good thing. I was out shopping today for things that I would need and I swear that I saw someone that is met before. Well not met but helped in a way. A kid called Freddie.


It was my first shift at the new house in Chicago. Me and Dad had gotten to the house early and we in the truck waiting for someone to notice. This was like my first day at school. We'd heard them placing bets on how long we'd last, I mean mainly Dad. He then turned the siren on and caught their attention. Before we both got out.

"You're also out of half the supplies that should be stocked on this truck. So...give me the odds on lasting longer than one or all of you." Dad said before putting so many in the box that this woman was holding.

"I place my bet on the same thing." I said before adding a ten dollar bill in there. We then both walked off.

"Briefing in five." Dad said to them. Our first day was a long one. I'd learnt a few names like Hen, Chim and Tommy. Dad was using a map seeming as he was new to the area but so was I.

"So, Y/n where was your last firehouse?" Hen asked me.

"Chicago, I was on squad so I mainly did rescues. I've been through numerous blackouts and a hurricane. I'm gonna miss out there." I said to her with a smile. Our first call was for a guy in a palm tree.

"Help!" The guy shouted.

"What am I looking at? Are we rescuing a cat?" Dad asked us, he went to walk but Chim held him back.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...Tree trimmer. Fronds got him." Chim said as we saw the machete fall.

"Tommy, get on the ladder and prep the saw. Hen, I need you teed up at the base, ready to attend." The other guy said, I could quite remember his name but it would come to me.

"Yeah." Dad said agreeing with what he said. I watched at Tommy went up the ladder. "This happen a lot?" Dad asked Chim as he was stood beside him.

"Few times a year. Sometimes the weight can snap their necks. Sometimes they suffocate before we can get to them." Chim said to us.

"That's an awful way to die." I said while nodding. We then saw fronds falling from the tree. When they got the tree trimmer he dangled and we thought he was going to fall. As they were bringing the guy down the crowd erupted into applause.

"Well, that's new." Dad said to Chim.

"I've seen a lot, that is something I haven't seen." I said to them both.

Another call was to a hair salon where a girl was having a reaction and got stuck in one of the machines. "Really wedged in there." Chin said before attempting to remove it off her head.

"Looks like an allergic reaction to the hair dye. It's probably PPD." Hen said while checking the lady's blood pressure.

"PP what?" She asked us. "I thought this was a holistic salon." She said to us, well not everything is true.

"We are. We pride ourselves on our green policies. We even use nontoxic products to clean the equipment." The owner if the salon said to us.

"You didn't use it on my head." She said to the woman.

"Okay, cut her free. Just don't decapitate her. It's mine and Y/n's first day." Dad told Hen and Chim, he mean he was right. "Just hang in there, okay? We're gonna get you out of there." Dad said to her.

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