17. Haunted

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It was finally that time of the year again. Spooky season. I loved Halloween. Even if it did bring out all the calls that turned out to just be decorations. It was currently night time and we got an interesting call.

"So, we have one guy still missing?" Dad asked the guy beside him.

"Yes, it's horrible. Elisio and Stavros were preparing Mrs. Mandechek's final resting place, and they just got sucked in." He said to Dad. Must've been a sinkhole.

"Okay." Dad said before going over to Elisio.

"Sir, can you tell me what happened down there?" Dad asked Elisio, I wanted to know myself.

"Me and Stavros were...digging a plot...when we got pulled in. Like the grave was digging itself." He said to us, Chim walked in front of us.

"A sinkhole. The quake shifted everything around down there. We're all basically walking around on eggshells and bubble wrap. See it?" Chim said to us, I knew it was a sinkhole.

"How long ago did this happen?" Dad asked Elisio.

"I don't know. Half an hour, maybe?" He answered, that was never good.

"Let's move, guys." Dad said to us, we started walking over to the grave with our lights on. Buck nearly ended up in the hole so Dad had to pull him back.

"Whoa..." Buck said.

"Easy. This whole side is like quicksand. I don't want you to fall in there and drag ten tons of loose soil on top of yourself and our friend down there." Dad said to us, this was true.

"He's been breathing dirt for a half hour, Cap." Buck said to Dad.

"Well, maybe not." Dad said to all of us.

"What are you thinking?" Buck asked, I wanted to know what Dad was thinking.

"Eggshells and bubble wrap." Dad said to us.

"Air pockets." Eddie and I said at the same time.

"Yeah, we just have to find out where they are." Dad said to us, we put MDF wood around the hole.

"Whoa, th-those aren't..." Buck said before looking at the heat tracker.

"Coffins and corpses. That's where the air pockets are." Dad said to him.

"And this is also a graveyard so it shouldn't surprise you that there's corpses here." I said to Buck with a smile.

"That's messed up." Buck said before it started beeping.

"Oh, hello Stavros. All right, shovels and buckets. Let's go." Dad said to us, we then started getting ready, I was handed a shovel so I started digging.

"Here you go." Dad said while handing Chim a bucket.

"I got one." Someone said.

"Hen, you got it." I said while handing her a bucket.

"I got it Y/n." She said to me. I then continued digging. Apart of the ground then gave in.

"Whoa. You okay?" Chim asked Dad. They were both on the part that collapsed.

"Yeah." Dad answered.

"Okay, that can't be good." Chim said to us, was any of this good.

"Keys for this thing?" Hen asked while walking over to the digger.

"Sh-Should still be in it." Elisio said to Hen.

"We're gonna get this man out of here one damn way or another. Clear out!" Hen shouted, I immediately got out of the grave.

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