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(First, I know that the title might not make sense cause usually, it's ReaderXDraco or sometimes even ReaderXDracoXGinny, but in those, it's love for one person or a love triangle. This is different. If you don't understand by the end of the book, I'll explain then, but I also wanna say sorry; I'm gonna f*ck characters up and put them in the wrong groups to make this work. Let's do this.)

*Warning: there may be a little trigger warning*

Hi, my name is Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n!!

If you are reading this, I'm dead, that or you have broken into my dorm, yanked the floorboards out, found the chest hidden in there, and seeing as I put a spell that stops you from using the unlocking spell on it, you traveled to the astronomy tower stood on the balcony and reached up and found the key taped to the ledge above the balcony. It's probably the first option. If so, you have already read the note and know that this Diary is used to take note of EVERYTHING that went wrong this year. The diary entry is followed up by notes I took later. Let's get this started.


I was excited for the new year; I'm in my second year of school. I used to attend Beauxbatons, but it didn't have as many studies as Hogwarts, so I was moved to Hogwarts. I went to the train station with everyone else; I got on the train. I knew a few people cause they also came from Beauxbatons, so I had people to sit with. When we got to Hogwarts, we were sorted, I was sorted into Y/h. I sat with my classmates and kept quiet. There was one girl in y/h who had been to Beauxbatons with me years ago. We were even friends, but now I found her a little annoying.

Once the sorting ceremony was over, it was dinner. The magnificent feast was mind-blowing. I didn't know what to eat; there was so much I was in absolute awe. After the feast, we went up to our dorms.

Signed Y/n Y/l/n'

I know what you're thinking—that entry didn't seem too bad, but that's where you're wrong. I left my life behind with my friends. I would never see my best friend again. I had anxieties when it came to new things. In my life, new things were often bad things.


On the first day of classes, I was pumped. Despite my fear of being a complete loner, I went to all my classes; during breaks and lines off, I sat alone in a corner; I found the perfect corner where you could see everyone. I found it interesting watching people go about their day. You can learn a lot about a person by what they are wearing, how they present themselves and how they walk.When it came time to go to Care of Magical Creatures, it took a little longer to find. I should have paid more attention to the people there. If I did, I would have noticed Draco Malfoy. You all already know him. Cute, tall, handsome, amazing. His hair looked silky, and I wanted nothing more than to run my fingers through his hair. His brand spanking new uniform, polished to perfection, told me he came from a rich family; he was an only child from the way he carried himself.

Anyway, the lesson was a really quick one, and we were off to our next classes in no time. There is nothing else worth noting at this point; the day just went by like it would on any other day.

Signed Y/n Y/l/n'

Again, everything went right, but that will be clear later.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been trying to adjust to the school and the timetables. I have friends now, a large group: Draco, Pansy, Dean, Ginny, Luna, Skyla, and, of course, the girl from the first day, Adrianna. Yeah, I'm still not her biggest fan. My group was definitely an odd one, a mix of houses, which is weird at Hogwarts.

By now, I had taken a fancy to Draco. The occasional issue upset me, but not enough to note. I liked walking around the lake to take my mind off things.

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