200,000 reads special

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(YAY! We made it! Thank you all so much. You have no idea how much this means to me! This is such a big achievement! I never thought I would get this far and reach 200,000 at such a high point! I get to do two things I love, and it feels great knowing others enjoy it, too! I hope you all like this chapter; I had the idea while listening to music at school, and I just had to turn it into a story; the people I talked to love it!

This will be the longest chapter yet (Hopefully, fingers crossed)! I have a few weeks, maybe even months ( I had about eleven weeks and two days to write it... that went by fast! that is two months, two weeks and two days. I've only been working for seven of those weeks. Still, the rest of the time was spent prepping to leave work, so please forgive me for not reaching the word count goal!) to write it depends on just how popular this book is.

However, I also work 8:30 to 5:06. I am on week six of writing this; as all of you would know, Robbie Coltrane has passed on, and I posted a chapter about it on the 15th (He died on the 14th). If I have time, I will probably do a chapter about Hagrid in the coming weeks. A lot is going on right now, Mum's birthday, her party, Halloween, my sister's birthday, Christmas, and so much more; on top of all that, I am working full time, which brings me to another point, at the end of my tribute to our beloved Robbie Coltrane I mentioned changing my sign out from Miss Lupin-Black to Professor Lupin-Black that is because I am officially an Educator now! They don't call me Professor or Miss most of the time; I am (Child's name)'s teacher or sometimes my first name.

Life is going so well for me at the moment with work, this book, and the fact that my brothers and I are actually getting along. We have been getting along for two or three weeks, which is creepy! We usually can only go for five minutes if we argue. Though it has been weird not seeing my friends who live here. They are about ten or fifteen minutes away from where I work, but we are so busy we can't meet up, and for me, that really sucks. I've also had to deal with a few rude co-works; one treated me like a child another decided to point out my pimples... two days in a row.

Anyway, I need to shut up. You really don't want to know what is happening in my life. You just want to read the book, so enjoy! I have had so much fun planning this chapter, though the first part could be more exciting. It's hard to work out the start of the book, so writing back to the front or the middle first can be very helpful! I plan to fix the start before I publish, depending on how much time I have left once I finish this chapter.

My longest chapter is eight thousand and seventy-four words, so we need to get at least 8,074. I will have the number word count at the bottom of the page!)

(Y/n's P.O.V)

Hi, I am Y/n Lupin-Black! My parents are Remus and Sirius Lupin-Black. Most of the time, I don't judge a book by its cover; I would tell you to read the blurb and see if you like the book from that, but in this case, the cover is better than the blurb. Until this week, everyone judged my Papa, Remus Lupin-Black, by his cover, kind, caring, intelligent man you would want teaching your children, but then a parent read the blurb, the blurb being that he's a werewolf. What do we know about werewolves being one of the most dangerous creatures? Papa is harmless and prepared for the full moon to keep everyone safe. Also, how can a man who folds his socks and puts them in rainbow order be dangerous?

Now that everyone has read the 'blurb,' the parents are outraged. People who adored my Papa want him dead and are ready to storm the castle. Who might be leading this stampede? You would be wrong if you guessed the pink toad herself, Dolores Umbridge. Just kidding, Umbridge has it out for my family.

Umbitch, as I call her, hates everything of 'near human intelligence' and 'half breeds' I don't know. All I know is she wants my Papa dead with more hate and passion than anyone else; I don't even know if she knows that I am a werewolf; she usually pays me no attention. But if being a werewolf wasn't a big enough target, my Papa is also gay and married to an ex-mass murderer, so there is that massive target on Papa's back as well. Don't know why Dad, THE Sirius Lupin-Black ex-mass murderer and a gay man, thinks he wouldn't have a target on his back, but we never said he was smart! He is just extremely loyal, kind, and honestly an amazing Dad!

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