GeorgeXReader It isn't a goodbye it's a see you again

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(Y/n's P.O.V)

Hi, my name is Y/n and today is one of the worst days of my life. It's the second worst day after the day my twin passed away. Stress has been getting to me lately, and my PTS has been playing up. To make matters worse, I am saying goodbye to my best friend Nora for the last time. Nora and I have been best friends since her first year at Hogwarts. Now, after five years of friendship, some people would even call us sisters. Nora is in her fifth year, and I am in my sixth year.

Today, her parents are pulling her out of Hogwarts to take her back to France, where she was born. Nora will be going to Beauxbatons. She will be leaving and never coming back to Hogwarts.

I know that it's going to be very hard for us both. It will be even more challenging for her because she will lose everything. I, on the other hand, will still have my home and my boyfriend. For her, I have to be brave and strong.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" My boyfriend George doesn't know that Nora is leaving, and I thought it would be easier for me if I didn't tell him because it would make it more real.

"Sorry, it's just... Today is the last time I see Nora. She's going home to France." I couldn't keep him in the dark anymore.

"What? Y/n/n, you should have told me." He pulled me close just as Nora entered the Great Hall and approached us.

Nora had always slept in, but I came from Ravenclaw Tower and beat her to the Great Hall. She sat down across from me.

"Morning Nora!" I said, putting on a brave face.

"Morning!" She replied, playing with her toast.

"Morning Nora! Y/n just told me you're leaving. I'm sorry to see you go," George said, his mask slipping as he realized she was really leaving.

"Yeah, promise to look after my sister for me. I need her," Nora said with a small smile.

"As long as you promise to visit," George replied.

"Oh, Nora, I grabbed you some pop tarts on my way here," I said, changing the subject and passing her favorite breakfast.

"Yum! I'm going to miss this," Nora said happily, taking the pop tarts.

"The pop tarts?" I asked.

"No, the meals we have together, the sharing, the laughs, the smiles, the good times," Nora said, her voice cracking.

I couldn't hold it together anymore. I started to cry and walked around the table to hug her. George followed, and we hugged for what felt like a lifetime, ignoring everyone else in the Great Hall staring at us. When we finally let go, we noticed the eyes on us and scurried from the Great Hall.

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