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Hey everyone,

Not an up date obviously but I just wanted to give a heads up that I probably won't be posting for the next week.

Sometime this weekend I need to go party shopping and birthday gift shopping. On the 27th I will be cleaning or going over to my friends, 28th is said friends birthday. 29th is my birthday. 30th is another one of my friends birthday and her party, then the 1st is my party so I have a lot of preparing to do and I will also have to get to work on supply list for school which starts on the 3rd.

I am so busy this week and when school starts I will still try and post but I have taken a leadership role at school to help the new students who are coming from other schools or coming into high school from our early childhood section of the school. So if I don't post for awhile and you want more comment and I'll keep cheeking and if I have a request to post I will do so.

I know I don't post much and I wish I could change that but I can't. I will listen if you want more I do enjoy writing it helps me escape. So help me help you help me help you help me try and post more by commenting and I will try and post within a week or two of you commenting.

I wish I could write books more but everything is going to be busy and I will try to get a job and earn money.

This year is different then others. One of my best friends have left my school and the only other friend I have at my school is one of my best friends and she is leaving at the end of the year, moving away she says she will visit every holiday but I want our year of last together to be the best. I'm losing all my friends 90% are at a different school and the other 10% are leaving at the end of the year. 4 friends at the school I am going to next year 2 at a different school all together and 1 moving away I will be the only one of us left after they all make new friends and forget me I am very forgettable. But instead of worrying about all that I am going to live life in the present not in the future.

On a different note, I know sometimes I come across as an attention seeker and I'm sorry I don't like that I am but I struggle with school life and I bring home all my emotions and make my home life bad as well. I want to be able to change I will change. 'Do or do not there is no try'. I guess there is a lot for me to change. I need to post more and I need to work on being an attention seeker and I also need to stand up for myself as many do as well. I never stand up for myself but when a friend needs me I will stand up for them no matter what. I remember last year a friend of mine was being bullied in class I stood up for him and they started bulling me but there was a teacher there who was able to stop it at least for that lesson.

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