The strange woman from no where

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(Hello, my friends,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

So, I haven't posted... since 200,000k, which was back in October, and we are now in April... so it's about time I post again. I've been very busy with work, but don't worry. I've had many ideas while trying not to fall asleep during nap time(I worked in childcare). Some of the ideas I can't use as they would be an invasion of privacy, but I will do my best to post as much as possible... even though I should be doing everything else. Anyway... this is based on an Instagram tic toc Audio... I'm obsessed with it.

Love Always,

Miss Lupin Black)

(3rd P.O.V)

It was always hard for transfers, especially transfers to Hogwarts in the middle of the 6th year, and for Y/n, it was made even harder because she didn't belong. Y/n's arrival was different from the most traditional. One day, she just showed up in the forest. Everyone assumed she was a muggle and wouldn't see any of them and leave, but that didn't happen. She could see them.

"E-excuse me? W-where am I?" She muttered to the nearest person, who happened to be Draco Malfoy.

"Get away from me, you filthy Mudblood!" He and his posy of friends stormed off.

Y/n looked bewildered at how he spoke to her but brushed it off and walked towards the castle. She walked past many eyes; no one had seen Y/n before, so everyone was interested in the woman. She walked around the building like she had been there a million times before. Despite what anyone else could tell, she had never been there. She made her way to the Gryffin that guarded the headmaster's office and entered; how she got in without the password, no one knew, but who would question it when later Dumbledore announced her as a new student sorted into Y/H, but still the questions about Y/n never stopped, she heard the whispers in the hall as she walked to classes.

At first, Y/n found it hard to make friends till she met Fred and George Weasley. Fred and George came from a large family with three older brothers, one younger and a younger sister, the younger of whom was at Hogwarts, and their older brother Percy had left the year prior. Y/n got to know the boys and Hogwarts through the pranks they pulled on everyone. The Twins knew Hogwarts better than anyone, and for that reason, Y/n learnt a lot. While the twins used the secret paths to pull pranks, Y/n used them to get to classes. Everyone wondered how she would always get to class first despite often leaving the great hall last.

People wondered what her secrets were. Y/n never shared much information, not even with the twins. The twins had tried to slow down her shortcut a couple of times, but every time they did, their pranks were untouched, and Y/n would still be the first to class. In their extensive knowledge of Hogwarts, there was no way she could have gotten by without tripping the pranks.No one ever asked Y/n questions other than the twins, but when they did, Y/n would change the subject, and while the boys were distracted, she would disappear. Even after searching everywhere, Y/n would only be seen again during the next class or meal.

The boys did everything they could to catch where Y/n was going, but for months, each time, they asked her a question about her past or about her ability to go unseen for hours and appear where she wanted to be at the time she wanted to be there. They wondered if maybe she had found more hidden tunnels that the Marudas themselves never found, but their questions went unanswered.

(Y/n's P.O.V)

I may have taken it too far, or I was good at what I did. Either way, I got away with it. My secret was safe with the professors at Hogwarts. No one suspected anything... except Fred and George Weasley. George joked about what I was hiding, but Fred Weasley found out my great secret. He was the one who worked out who Y/n Y/L/N was.

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