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(Once again, this was written four years ago, and I'm happy to say my spelling has somewhat improved! I used to spell especially, like extremely. I am so ashamed of my old writing, but at the same time, it shows that I have grown as a writer!)

(Y/n's P.O.V)

Classes were fun, especially Care of Magical Creatures with Professor Hagrid. He's the best! Today, I have double Care of Magical Creatures after potions. I can't even concentrate on the potion we were supposed to be brewing.

"Miss Y/l/n, what are you doing?" Snape snaps at me.

I looked up at the potion I had been absent-mindedly adding ingredients to; it had turned into a thick brown sludge that was bubbling. I added the necessary ingredients to stop the potion from exploding.

"Sorry, Professor Snape! I had a lot of work last night and didn't get any sleep." Well, I wasn't lying!

"Ten Points from Y/h, and stay back after class, Miss Y/l/n!"


After class, I waited for everyone else to leave.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" I asked innocently.

"Cut the crap, Y/n, you are a Snape! You always excel in potions. What is wrong?" He asks.

"Okay, one, why can't I tell everyone you are my Dad? Then I wouldn't have to get into trouble whenever you want to talk to me! People are starting to talk! Two, I told you I have too much homework!" I replied lately.

"First off, it is unsafe for you to go around with the Snape name; it would put a target on your back. You know I'm a double agent. If anything goes wrong, I need you to be safe, and the only way to do that is for you to stay under Y/l/n, not Snape. Second of all, I will talk to your teachers about the workload. Now, off to class, sweetheart, before you're late. Also, fifteen points to Ravenclaw!" He says, smiling at me.

"Bye, Dad!" I hug him before leaving for Care of Magical Creatures.

I was rushing down to Care of Magical Creatures and managed to catch up with some of my classmates. I was walking behind a girl who sat in front of me in almost all my classes. For some reason, she was writing in a diary. I was curious as I found myself at the perfect angle to read the entry.

'Dear Diary,

Today, we had potions first, with the dungeon bat Snape. He is the worst teacher, and he only ever gives Y/l/n points. He doesn't even pay attention to anyone else's potions but hers. Does he like her or something? Ew, is Y/l/n dating him or something? He always calls her to stay back after class, and she's always rather happy after leaving those meetings.'

She hadn't finished writing the entry yet, but I didn't need to see anymore. Maybe it was just tiredness, but the next thing I knew, I had tackled her to the ground and was now punching her repeatedly in the face.

"Miss Y/l/n! Dumbledore's office now!" Professor Hagrid barked as he walked toward us.

I got off the girl and glared at her before storming back towards the castle.


"Professor Dumbledore?" I asked, entering the office.

"Y/n! What are you doing here? You should be in class." Dad said, walking a few moments after me.

"Ah, Severus, you must wonder why I called you here. Yes. Y/n seemed to have decided she would attack another student on her way down to Care of Magical Creatures." Dumbledore said, looking over his half-moon spectacles at Dad and me.

"Y/n! Why did you attack another student?" His voice was full of anger, but he didn't yell.

"She had been writing shit about us! She was insulting you and saying we were dating. I wasn't going to stand for that, Dad!" I looked at the floor as I talked.

"Don't do it again!" His voice was softer this time.

"As good as your intentions were in standing up for your father, I am afraid I still have to suspend you for two weeks," Dumbledore told us.


I was in the Library reading up on some Magical Creatures when Professor Hagrid walked over.

"Hello, Professor Hagrid!" I greeted.

"I'm sorry I had to send you to the Headmaster's office. If I hadn't, there would have been a complaint, and they would have sacked me! Please don't let your Father kill me!" I laughed at his words.

"It's okay, Dad thinks it's only fair! I punched her, for Christ's sake! She has a black eye and a broken nose because of me! Dad isn't mad you sent me to Headmaster Dumbledore's office!" I reassured him.

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