PercyXBlind!!! Reader

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(Y/n's P.O.V)

As I walk around the school, my hand on the smooth, cold brick wall, the chattering of my classmates echoing through my head. Since I lost sight, my other senses, like smell, hearing, taste, and feeling, have increased. I could smell what we were having for dinner halfway across the school, hear the tiniest sounds, and feel even the tiniest details, like the cracks in the wall. It was both a blessing and a curse. Whispering was like normal talking; normal talking was like yelling and yelling. Let's say I'm glad no one yells around me; the sounds of the night often keep me awake. I do well in all my classes; I know all the smells of different potion ingredients and the feel of every plant, but it's still hard. I don't care because Percy is there to help me.

Percy and I have all the same classes, and we have private rooms near the great hall because breakfast and dinner are the only times we are apart, and if I need to get to my room by myself, it's better than having to take the stairs to the Gryffindor Common Room.

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