Fred X Reader (Till Death Do We Part) Part 2

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(Y/n's P.O.V)

As I sit here reminiscing, I can't help but get emotional thinking about how much has changed in the past year. It's been nine months since the Battle of Hogwarts, and four months since Fred and I got married. Our son James was born eight months ago, and he has brought so much joy and love into our lives.

Fred has been working hard at the shop, but he hired Ron to help out so that he could spend more time at home with us. George has also been working tirelessly to keep the shop running smoothly, and whenever they get a chance, Fred and Ron head over to Hogwarts to help with the repairs.

After Rita Skeeter quit, I was offered her position writing for the Daily Prophet. I now work from home, sending my reports by owl. My focus is mainly on the progress of the reconstruction, the Battle of Hogwarts, and the roundup of the Death Eaters. It's important to me that everything I report is true, so I make sure to go straight to the source and get two or three backup statements to ensure accuracy.

Sometimes, James and I visit Hogwarts for lunch while Fred is working. While people take breaks to play with James, I walk around the halls and gather information for my reports. It's a great opportunity to see the progress of the reconstruction firsthand and report on it accurately.One of the most significant stories I've reported on is Harry's journey to becoming an Auror. We're all so proud of him and his accomplishments.

I know many of you may wonder how Fred came back to life after his death. After extensive research, I discovered that the magic that brought him back is called True Love. It's a powerful and ancient magic that only a few people can find. Fred and I were lucky enough to have found it, and the power of a proper love's kiss pulled him back from the brink of death. The magic is rarer than being a descendant of one of the big four, and it's a testament to the power of love.

True Love may sound like something out of a fantasy book, but it's real, and it's incredibly powerful. It's a reminder that love can conquer even death itself.

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