Tenkaichi Festival Murder case

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AN: Sorry, no picture of Sakura's clothes today since they're all wearing the same color yukata/kimono in the episode.~

Just to remind you:

"Hi!"= Talking in English

"Hi!"= Talking in Japanese

"Hi!"= Words on signs in English

"Hi!"= Words on signs in Japanese

Hi! = Narrator

Hi! = Flashback

'Hi!' = Thoughts

"Hi!" = Talking in flashback

"Hi!" = Talking on the phone

Hi! = Words on paper (unless it's at the beginning or end of the chapter /it had pov written beside it)

(Hi!) = Author-chan talking

That's all now enjoy reading!~

Disclaimer: I don't own DCMK it belongs to the great Aoyama-sensei~ I only own the story and my OC~

Narrator pov. At the festival~

Both Edogawa and Irene had balloons attached to them by a string but Irene didn't mind and instead tried to enjoy the festival despite the headache she was feeling. You're wondering how she got the headache? Well...

Flashback time~ 2 days earlier with the Shounen Tantei dan~

"Nya~" came a sound from one of the trees in the park the detective boys were playing at and it attracted their attention so they stopped playing, went over to the source of the sound, and looked behind a tree to see a kitten with fur as dark as the night sky. The creature looked about 2 months old which made Irene worried since she can't see the mother anywhere and the baby didn't have a collar around its neck.

When the kids saw it they gushed saying "Kawaii!~" but Edogawa seemed to share the same concerns as Irene since he was looking around them. After a few minutes, Irene stepped closer to the kitty and inspected it carefully to not hurt it and she found out the gender "It's a girl." the moment Ayumi heard that she gushed even louder "She's so pretty!" with the 2 boys behind her nodding and Edogawa was looking at Irene noticing the worried look she's showing.

He came closer and whispered, "What's wrong?" and Irene answered, "She's too skinny for a 2-month old kitten. I think she's been trying to fend for herself... which means that the mother died after giving birth to her." she looked down sadly at the last part. The poor kitten...

Edogawa nodded in understanding before he put his hand under his chin in his thinking pose to think about ways to help the kitty. After a few seconds, he said "How about we go to the store to buy a baby bottle and milk? We can ask them to warm the milk up for us." Irene nodded then stood up and asked the kids who were whispering excitedly about the kitty "Can you guys watch over her while Edogawa-kun and I go buy her some food?"

The kids looked at each other then back at the duo and nodded with Genta saying "Can you get me some food too?" Irene smiled at him and nodded before she and Edogawa left for the store to get the necessary things to help the kitten.

Time skip to when they come back (Brought to you by Akemi's kindness)~

When they both came back, both the kids and the kitten was still there so they went over and called out "We're back!" which got the kids' attention and they turned to the 2 with sad looks which got them worried. Irene asked, "What happened?"  and Ayumi answered "We were playing with her when she suddenly passed out. Please help, Irene-chan" 

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