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AN: The rain is for the scene when  Rose/Sakura/Irene gets shot and wakes up in the DC world it's supposed to be raining. 

There are things you should know before you read:

"Hi!"= Talking in English

"Hi!"= Talking in Japanese

"Hi!"= Words on signs in English

"Hi!"= Words on signs in Japanese

Hi! = Narrator 

Hi! = Flashback

'Hi!' = Thoughts

"Hi!" = Talking in flashback

"Hi!" = Talking on the phone 

Hi! = Words on paper (unless it's at the beginning or end of the chapter /it had pov written beside it)

(Hi!) = Author-chan talking

Disclaimer: Detective Conan and Magic Kaitou don't belong to me they belong to the great Aoyama Gosho.I only own the story and the OC

Now enjoy the story!!~~

Narrator POV:~

When Rose opened the door to her house in the early morning to see both her "parents" armed with guns pointing at her and the "murderer look " as she always called it displayed on their faces she wasn't scared nor surprised. 

There was a question on her mind that she needed an answer for though so she asked, "How are you gonna explain my disappearance?" since she really was curious about that and her adopted mother (Karen) answered with an evil smirk so creepy that if Rose wasn't used to it, it would make a shiver go down her spine "You wanted to learn more about Japan so you ran away...Brilliant isn't it?" then she cocked the gun signaling that that would be all the questions Rose could ask. 

Taking the hint Rose took 2 steps behind her to get out of the house still not feeling any fear and not showing it either but then they swung their guns to the front signaling that she has to turn around and walk forward, this time surprised but still not afraid Rose complied. 

The English couple plus Japanese teenager walked for a while until they were beside the edge of a river called "The nightly dead" when Rose read the sign she realized their intention 'They're gonna throw my body down the river..'  and since the river lives up to its name about being really deadly at night that's a good method.

Now relaxed since she knew that this is as far as they're gonna go she turned around to give them a better range and waited not caring about the cold raindrops hitting her body and face. She didn't have to wait long since while Karen was looking for the deadliest spot at the river to throw down the body, her adopted father (Kevin) pointed his gun at her heart with a smirk as evil as Karen's and said with malice "Goodbye...JAPANESE BRAT!" before the shot was heard.

When she got shot she didn't even twitch a muscle in pain instead she smiled peacefully and closed her eyes letting herself fall, her thoughts being 'I'd finally reunite with Miyuki and Minami...and get to meet my real parents..'  the only regret she had though is that she wouldn't watch DC until its end but she thought that's okay since she won't need that kind of escape where she's going. When she felt herself getting lightheaded she let herself fall into the comfortable and dark cloak of unconsciousness. 

But what she saw when she woke up wasn't what she expected since what she saw wasn't the afterlife nor was she in heaven nor hell, no she was in an alley not only that but she can tell by the fact that she can move her body that the injury she was supposed to have in her heart was gone.

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