Lucifer's prophecy

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AN: That's right folks! In this chapter, Sakura is gonna know the prophecy that Lucifer had about her coming to the DCMK world!~This day is the next Saturday (Tomorrow in the story)~

Just to remind you:

"Hi!"= Talking in English

"Hi!"= Talking in Japanese

"Hi!"= Words on signs in English

"Hi!"= Words on signs in Japanese

Hi! = Narrator

Hi! = Flashback

'Hi!' = Thoughts

"Hi!" = Talking in flashback

"Hi!" = Talking on the phone

Hi! = Words on paper (unless it's at the beginning or end of the chapter /it had pov written beside it)

(Hi!) = Author-chan talking

+ Special chapter: "Hi!"= Lucifer's words + "Hi!"= Talking on the phone in flashback

That's all now enjoy reading~

Disclaimer: I don't own the pictures/videos used in this story nor DCMK it belongs to the great Aoyama-sensei~ I only own the story and my OC~

Narrator POV~(12:00 PM)~at the Koizumi house~

Sakura stood in front of Koizumi's house door and was about to knock on it when it got opened by Koizumi's creepy looking servant/butler who while opening the door was saying "Yokoso, Akako-Sama is waiting for you" and when he opened the door completely looked straight at Sakura who didn't get the urge to shiver at his creepy face but to vomit, nevertheless she swallowed her breakfast right back in her stomach since even though no one who saw what she's seeing would blame her if she did it, it would still be rude to do it.

Sakura stood in front of Koizumi's house door and was about to knock on it when it got opened by Koizumi's creepy looking servant/butler who while opening the door was saying "Yokoso, Akako-Sama is waiting for you" and when he opened the door comp...

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(Yup. That's how he looks like. Look at him and tell me you don't understand why she wants to vomit.#creepy +EWWW)~

Instead, she nodded to him and walked inside the house allowing the servant to close the door behind them. Then he gestured for her to follow him to which she complied, while she was following him down the hallways she recalled back to the reason she's here in the first place. The call she got this morning...

Flashback time~(10:00 am)

"Kuroba-Kun get up it's 10 o'clock." called Sakura to the teenage magician lying on the bed who groaned sleepily when he heard the call then said back "5 more minutes..."  to which Sakura sighed then said "Fine but you're not getting any chocolate cake for dessert" that woke up the magician right away exclaiming  "There's chocolate cake!?" to which Sakura said "Un, I made some since I know you like them but if you're not going to get up and eat it then I'm giving it to Nakamori-san" while going back down the stairs to the dining room. 

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