The Stranger from 10 years later

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AN: *Inhale* YES! Finally! Time for some dra- I mean dreams! Yeah, totally dreams. '>v> Anyway, she's wearing her cap and the sneakers, but she'll only be there for one scene at the end so... Yeah. Now let's start the chapter!

Just to remind you:

"Hi!"= Talking in English

"Hi!"= Talking in Japanese

"Hi!"= Words on signs in English

"Hi!"= Words on signs in Japanese

Hi! = Narrator

Hi! = Flashback

'Hi!' = Thoughts

"Hi!" = Talking in flashback

"Hi!" = Talking on the phone

Hi! = Words on paper (unless it's at the beginning or end of the chapter /it had pov written beside it)

+Special chapter: Hi! = Narrating in dreams 

+ "Hi!" = Talking in dreams

(Hi!) = Author-chan talking

That's all now enjoy reading!~

Disclaimer: I don't own DCMK it belongs to the great Aoyama-sensei~ I only own the story and my OC~

Narrator pov. At the agency~

Some birds along with Shiro were on a wire near the window and a sneeze scared the birds except Shiro away, Shiro did jump at it though. 

The one who sneezed was Edogawa who blew his nose into a tissue before he lowered it, Irene had already left with the detective boys, Mouri asked, "Daijobou, Conan-kun?" 

Edogawa's face was flushed which made it obvious he had a fever and he answered, "I'm fine... The temperature from my fever isn't very high, anyway. If I sleep for the whole of today, I'll recover." with a hoarse voice.

Mouri replied, "Ja, I'll call the school about it. And-" she was interrupted by Suzuki's voice from outside the agency that exclaimed, "Ran? If we don't hurry up, we're gonna be late." Mouri raised her voice to be heard and replied, "Coming!"

She turned back to Edogawa and said, "I already talked to Otousan about getting lunch. Just keep warm and sleep well, alright?" he replied, "Got it. Itterashai." with a weak wave and smile. 

She smiled back and said, "Ittekimasu." before she stood up while holding her school bag and left the room while closing the door behind her.

Suzuki was waiting outside the apartment door when Mouri got out and closed the door behind her while she said, "Sorry for the wait." Suzuki asked, "The little guy came down with a cold, huh?" since she could hear a little bit of the conversation inside from where she was. Mouri answered, "That's right. He said he was alright, but still..." she looked back at the door with a worried look.

Back in the men's shared bedroom, Edogawa blew his nose into another tissue and stood up then left the room to the bathroom. While he was walking he heard Suzuki when she asked, "Ne, have you heard from Shinichi-kun lately?" which caught his attention.

Mouri answered, "Nope. Why?" Suzuki replied, "You're really hopeless... How about dumping that heartless fellow... And jumping into the arms of another guy?" Mouri asked, "(Jump) into?" Suzuki answered, "For instance... How about Araide-sensei?"

Mouri let out an "Eh?!" as she blushed at his name which made Suzuki giggle as they descended the stairs. Edogawa ran back into the room and opened the window and looked out in time to spot them walking on the sidewalk to school.

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