The antique collector murder case

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AN: How are you guys doing? I hope you're doing well! 

And I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Just to remind you:

"Hi!"= Talking in English

"Hi!"= Talking in Japanese

"Hi!"= Words on signs in English

"Hi!"= Words on signs in Japanese

Hi! = Narrator

Hi! = Flashback

'Hi!' = Thoughts

"Hi!" = Talking in flashback

"Hi!" = Talking on the phone

Hi! = Words on paper (unless it's at the beginning or end of the chapter /it had pov written beside it)

(Hi!) = Author-chan talking

That's all now enjoy reading!~

Disclaimer: I don't own DCMK it belongs to the great Aoyama-sensei~ I only own the story and my OC~

Narrator Pov. At the Maru house~

Irene, Edogawa, and Mouri were outside waiting by a pond for Kogoro to be done with reporting his results on the latest case investigation. They could hear the conversation inside from where they were and since Irene already knew what it's about, she just felt the pond's water with her hands to pass off the time.

"There's no mistake about it." Kogoro started while getting a photo out of his coat pocket to show the husband "Your wife is cheating on you." the husband took the photo exclaiming "I knew it!" and Kogoro said "Notice the mole under her eye. Without a doubt, that woman is your wife, Maru Ineko-san." while showing a photo of the actual wife's face that shows a mole under her eye.

The husband was pissed and the sozu leant to the right side while pouring water into the pond before hitting the rock with its left side and making a bump sound. A fish jumped out of the water before falling back in and Mouri exclaimed "It jumped again!" before Irene said "Sugoi!" since she's supposed to be a kid.

'Taku, how long does that old man plan to keep us waiting? First, he surprisingly offered to take us out for lunch and now he has stopped here.' Edogawa thought in annoyance then the entrance gate opened while he added in his head 'Are there actually detectives who bring kids along when reporting on cheating wives?!' 

Then someone was walking on the other side of the bush behind them and Edogawa saw their legs and thought 'A visitor?' in curiosity while Irene let her hands out of the water knowing who the visitor is but not saying anything.

Back with the old detective and client, the husband demanded more information "And who in the world is this man?" while pointing at the man wearing sunglasses and a beard in the photo. Kogoro answered "Uh... I'm still looking into that..." and then the bell rang.

The husband heard the bell and said "A visitor?" the bell rang again and he exclaimed "Oi! It's a guest! Nobody here?" before he remembered "Oh, that's right. I told my staff to take some time off since you were coming by." before standing up and sliding open the door.

On his way out he said to Kogoro "Excuse me while I let the visitor into the side annexe. I'll be right back." Kogoro replied with "Go ahead." before the husband closed the door and walked down the corridor to the door, Irene being the only one to know what would happen.

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