The Black Organization's One Billion Yen robbery case

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AN: Well, this is it. The episode about Akemi's death. She's wearing purple sneakers along with her cap. Now let's start!

Just to remind you:

"Hi!"= Talking in English

"Hi!"= Talking in Japanese

"Hi!"= Words on signs in English

"Hi!"= Words on signs in Japanese

Hi! = Narrator

Hi! = Flashback

'Hi!' = Thoughts

"Hi!" = Talking in flashback

"Hi!" = Talking on the phone

Hi! = Words on paper (unless it's at the beginning or end of the chapter /it had pov written beside it)

(Hi!) = Author-chan talking

That's all now enjoy reading!~

Disclaimer: I don't own DCMK it belongs to the great Aoyama-sensei~ I only own the story and my OC~

Narrator pov. At the bank~

Edogawa and Irene were sitting on a bench in the waiting room each of them being occupied with something. Edogawa was reading a book while Irene was drawing, or at least trying to since the idea of being in the same building as Akemi, was making it hard for her to come up with anything nice to draw.

Edogawa was done reading and closed the book when he noticed a certain bank employee looking down at her watch then also up at the clock with a nervous and worried look before looking to the door.

But then Mouri and Kogoro came out with the former saying "Sorry to keep you two waiting." which caught the duo's attention and when they saw them coming over, Irene put away her art book and Edogawa just asked, "Did the bank transfer for your detective work come through?"

Kogoro happily answered, "Yeah, there was plenty. There were lots of high-paying requests." Irene went to hug Mouri happily before Mouri picked her up and Edogawa exclaimed, "Great! Then let's stop somewhere for lunch and head home."

Kogoro replied, "It's been so long since I had a mid-day drink!"  Mouri said, "Otousan... We're talking about a mid-day meal right now." while Irene gave him a deadpan look, and he said, "Well, now I need to get a new bankbook."

Edogawa thought 'Taku, that drunkard.' with a deadpan look. Kogoro asked, "Where's the window?" while looking around before he saw the certain employee from earlier and he thought 'A beauty!' and so he went to her window.

And said, "Ojo-san!" which caught her attention and she replied, "H-Hai?" so he asked in a 'charming' tone while making his teeth sparkle "Could I trouble you to exchange this bankbook for a new one?"

'Hirata Kazami' answered, "I'm very sorry, sir. Please take a numbered ticket from over there, be seated, and wait for your turn." Kogoro replied nervously "Oh yeah, I have to wait my turn, don't I?" to which she nodded.

He said, "I shall return shortly. Ticket, ticket." going to get a ticket at the last part. 'Kazami' glanced back down at her watch worriedly when Edogawa spoke up "Ne, Oneesan." which caught her attention.

She looked to see who was calling and recognized Edogawa and Irene who was standing beside him so she exclaimed, "Ah, Irene-chan and Conan-kun!" Edogawa asked, "Is something wrong? You've been looking at your watch a lot recently."

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