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"Eye of rabbit, harp string hum. Turn this water into rum."

You and your friends, together with the other students, were at the Great Hall having a break. You were currently reading a book for homework and you can hear Seamus repeating his spell to his goblet of water.

"What's Seamus trying to do to that glass of water?" Harry asked Ron who was beside him reading.

Ron glanced up before sighing. "Turning it into rum. Actually managed a weak tea yesterday, before..."

You and the others jumped and turned in surprise as Seamus accidentally exploded his goblet of water. His hair was a mess and he was covered in dirt. Dean Thomas, Fred, George, and Oliver Wood started laughing including some students who witnessed what happened.

Hermione waved her hand in disgust while you shook your head as you smiled. Ron looked up when he heard something. "Ah! Mail's here."

Owl started flying inside with envelopes and gifts just between their beaks. They started dropping the mails to their respective receiver. You were too busy writing your answers to your homework that you almost didn't notice a box wrapped up in red and gold silk. Harry noticed it first so he tapped your book causing you to look up from your work. "Hm?"

"You got a gift."

You looked down and softly gasped. "Oh! Thanks." You took the box and unwrapped it. As you opened the box, you noticed there were three letters inside. You took the letters out and saw that each member of your family has written to you.

Dear sister,

⠀⠀⠀⠀This is the first letter I have ever written to you because we were pretty much inseparable. I would be lying if I say that I miss you. Maybe because you were just gone for a few days. Maybe I'll miss you more when you're away from home for months.

⠀⠀⠀⠀I can't wait to be there. What is it like? Mum and Dad wouldn't stop talking about Hogwarts when we were younger. I can't wait to see if what they're saying is real.

⠀⠀⠀⠀Oh! Is it true that the Boy Who Lived is there? And the same house as you? I got tons of questions, (Y/n)!

⠀⠀⠀⠀I can't wait to see you at Christmas. Well, if you are going home on Christmas.

Your sister,

You smiled and moved to the next letter which was your mother's.

My dearest daughter,

⠀⠀⠀How was your first day? I heard you were sorted to Gryffindor! Congratulations! Although, I wonder how you got to Gryffindor while I was in Hufflepuff and your father was in Slytherin. Oh, well, maybe the Sorting Hat saw something in you. I wonder where your sister will be placed. Honestly, I want her to be in Ravenclaw. She's smart and our family could complete the Hogwarts houses.

⠀⠀⠀Anyway, we all miss you here. Just tell us what you need and your problems and we promise we'll listen. Avoid trouble there, sweetie!

With love,

"I miss you too, Mom." You whispered before closing the letter and taking the last letter. From your father's.

My sweet pumpkin,

⠀⠀How's your first day? I heard you were sorted to Gryffindor! Congratulations! Although I won—nah, I'm just kidding. I looked to Vivian and Megan's letters first before writing this one and make a joke out of it.

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