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You sat on your bed and looked at the box your mum has given you. You sighed, opened the box, and picked up the dress you'll be wearing for the Yule Ball.

(If you don't like this dress, it's okay)

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(If you don't like this dress, it's okay)

You smiled. On the corner of your eye, you noticed a letter on the box. You gently placed your dress beside you then picked up the letter.

To my lovely (Y/n),

⠀⠀⠀⠀This is your dress for Yule Ball! Your father thinks this dress would look good on you so he decided to buy it before the Quidditch World Cup. He told me to give it to you if there's an unexpected ball.

⠀⠀⠀⠀Honey, I know you're having a hard time. About your dad and everything. Please, darling, I'm here. You can talk about your problems with me. Don't hesitate to open up to me. I want to help you to get through all of this.

I love you, my darling!


P.S. there are earrings inside the box. I used it on my wedding day. I decided to give them to you.

You wiped your tears away and put down the letter. You looked at the earrings inside the box.

 You looked at the earrings inside the box

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(If you don't like it, it's fine)

"It's lovely, mum." You whispered, smiling. You took out the second letter and read it. It was for Megan. Your eyes widened in surprise and quickly got out of the Girls' Dormitories. You walked out of the Common Room, passing by a few students who were already dressed up.

You looked everywhere until you saw Megan. "MJ!" You excused yourself from a group of Ravenclaws as you passed by them to chase after your younger sister with a letter clutched to your fist. "Hey!"

Megan turned around and so was a blonde-haired girl carrying a book upside down. "(Y/n)?" Megan asked.

You finally caught up to her and placed your hand on your sister's shoulder. Raising your other hand up, you grinned. "Didn't know you're going to the Yule Ball."

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