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Megan leaned her head against Edward's gravestone, crying silently. She softly whistled and took a shaky deep breath. It was a bond between Edward and Megan: whistling to each other. A long and calming whistle. Even though your sister was closer to your mother, Vivian, Megan and Edward still spent enough time with each other.

You were standing just behind her with your hands grasping Cameron's to prevent him from wandering around. Cameron has turned a year old back in May, and although he was confused as to why his father wasn't always around, he does know that he visits him with you and your sister in the cemetery. He doesn't quite understand what death is, for now, so he would ask questions:


"Dada is not here, sweetie?"

"Where Dada?"

"He's resting."

Cameron looked up to you and pointed his little pointer finger on the gravestone. "Dada?"

You nodded as you picked him up and brushed his hair off from his forehead. "Yes, Dada is there."

"How are we going to tell him?" You heard Megan ask as she stood up. "How do we tell him that your boyfriend's father is the reason why Dad's sleeping, (Y/n)?"

You stared at her as she turned around with a severe expression. "First, I have no boyfriend. Second, we'll tell Cameron slowly so he can understand."

"Oh, great!" Megan sarcastically cheered. "We'll tell Cam that his future grandpa-in-law is the fuc--" You instantly covered Cameron's ears as Megan continued. "--king killer of Dad!"

Megan received a glare from you. "Mind your language, Megan Jane Stark. There's a child in front of you."

"Does he know?"

"Does who know?"

"Draco Malfoy."

You stared at her as you removed your hands away from your brother's ears. You shook your head. "No, I don't think so. He hasn't got a clue who..."

"When was the last time you spoke to him about Dad's death?"

You glanced down at Cameron, who was busy sucking his thumb, not minding you and your sister's business. "Fourth year, I think. We were trying to move on about his death last year, Megan."

"How could you tell that he's telling the truth? That he's not lying and not keeping any secrets from you?" Megan questioned.

"If he did know, he would tell me."

Megan sighed heavily before taking Cameron's hand. She took a moment of silence, thinking deeply, before turning around to face you. "When are you leaving for America?"

"Later. With Aunt Peggy." You answered as you looked back at her. "Why?"

"You sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"It'll be quick, I swear. I just need to know more about Wanda."

"(Y/n), come on, you're overthinking this. I think you're a bit obsessed with her now."

You sighed. "I won't stop till I get answers, MJ. You know that."


"This is an absolutely wild and dangerous mission, (Y/n)," Peggy whispered to you as you both entered the town of Westview. After a couple of pleas and reassurance, you managed Peggy to agree to take you to America without any suspicion from your mother. "Your mother is going to kill me if she finds out you're thousands of miles away from the U.K."

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