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You turned around to see who it was. Draco stopped right in front of you and looked at you in worry. "Are you alright?"

You slowly nodded. "Um, yeah..."

"I didn't get to ask you last night because you and your friends went straight to your Common Room so I was worried sick and.. and..."

You chuckled and put his hands down. "I'm fine, Malfoy." You smiled to reassure him. 

"Did you know who almost attacked us last night?"

You sighed and looked down. "It's..." You shook your head. "It's a vile creature and we're lucky enough to be saved by Mr. Firenze. Thank you, as well, for trying to protect me last night."

Draco smiled and chuckled a bit. "Well, that was nothing. And I never get to say thank you for the gift you gave." He showed you that he is wearing the ring you gave him making you smile.

"I thought you wouldn't wear it since it was not from Pansy." You teased with a laugh.

Draco playfully rolled his eyes. "That girl? Well, she gave me a ring too but I prefer to wear yours."

You slightly nudged him and grinned. "Gee, Malfoy, thanks. Going soft of me now?"

Draco lightly scoffed. "In your dreams."

You glanced outside and spotted your friends. "I guess I have to go." Before you could walk away, Draco grabbed your wrist causing you to look at him. "Malfoy?"

"Be careful. Please." He pleaded, feeling a lump on his throat.

You blinked repeatedly in confusion before slowly nodding. Draco smiled and let your wrist go. You walked away and joined Ron, Hermione, and Harry.

"You alright there, Harry?" Ron asked Harry. Harry was in pain, hissing and repeatedly touching his scar.

"My scar... it keeps burning," Harry said, touching his scar and wincing.

"Did it happened before?" You asked him.

"Not like this."

"Perhaps you should see the nurse?" Hermione asked.

"I think it's a warning. It means danger is coming..." Harry stated. You frowned. 'Great. The scar can now detect warnings.'

You and your friends were on your way to visit Hagrid's house but before the four of you could come near him, Harry realized something.

"Of course!"

"What is it?" Hermione asked him.

"Don't you think it's a bit odd?" He asked as he approached Hagrid while you, Hermione, and Ron followed. "That what happened once more than anything is a dragon and a stranger turns out who just happens to have one? I mean, how many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pockets? Why didn't I see it before?"

Harry rushed to Hagrid at his house as you three followed him. Hagrid was playing with his flute as the four of you approached him. "Hagrid, who gave you the dragon egg? What did he look like?" Harry asked frantically.

"I don't know. I never saw his face. He kept his hood up." Hagrid answered.

"The stranger, though, you two must've talked?"

"Well, he wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after. I said, 'I looked after Fluffy. After Fluffy, a dragon's gonna be no problem.'"

"And did he seem interested in Fluffy?"

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