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You tied your hair into a ponytail and faced yourself in the mirror. You winced slightly as you saw your reflection. Just as you turned to leave, you spotted the necklace with the Slytherin ring on it sitting by your desk. You took it and wore it.

Your door opened, revealing Vivian with a worried look. You looked at her and saw her smiling sadly. "Are you sure about this? You might get killed if you do this."

You smiled and took her hands, gently gripping them. "I'll be fine, mum."

Vivian nodded. "I know." She pulled you into a hug, kissing the top of your head. "I'll have to check on Cameron. He has to be out of England so he would be out of danger."

"Wouldn't the Death Eaters be able to track you?" You asked in concern as you pulled away from the hug. "It's only a matter of time until You-Know-Who takes over the Ministry."

"I'll manage," Vivian reassured. "I'll get back safe and sound."

"How about Megan?"

"She plans on returning back to Hogwarts."

Suddenly, Bucky came inside your room and hopped on your bed. You sat down, and the dog started licking your cheeks, causing you to chuckle. "Hey, Buck." You greeted aa you patted his head.

Bucky stopped and laid his head on your lap, looking at you. You sighed as you ran your fingers through his fur. "I'll miss you, Buck." You said before planting a kiss on top of his head.

"Can't you just stay at Hogwarts?" Vivian asked worriedly. "Like, leave the mission to your friends?"

You shook your head. "No, mum. Everywhere we go, it will always be dangerous. Even if I stay at Hogwarts, it's still not safe."

Vivian sighed and sat beside you, patting Bucky's head. "I'm just worried. I don't want to lose you."

You smiled and placed your hand on hers. "You won't lose me, mum, I promise."

You and Vivian heard a knock on your door, causing the two of you to look away and see Megan standing and leaning by your door. "Mum, can I have a moment with (Y/n)?"

Vivian nodded. "Oh, sure."

Vivian left your room with Bucky while Megan entered and looked around your room. "If you die, I'm definitely taking your room." She slightly chuckled as she turned her back on you.

You scoffed. "Thanks for the motivating words there, sis." You waited for her another sarcastic comment, but all you heard was faint crying. You instantly stood up and approached your sister.

Megan leaned her hands on your desk, lowering her head down to hide her tear-stained face. You stood beside her and gently tried to turn her to face you, but she didn't budge. "Megan..."

Megan shook her head and held her finger up. "Give me a sec... I can do this."

You have her a moment until you brought her into your embrace. Megan burst into more tears as she leaned her head against your shoulders and her hands gripped on your sleeve. "I'm so sorry... it's just that..." Megan took a deep breath. "I can't bear to imagine you being out there risking your life just to find those damn Horcruxes."

"You do know it's the only way to stop You-Know-Who."

"I can come with you."

"I thought you were planning to come back to Hogwarts?"

Megan pulled away and wiped her tears away. "Yeah, to bring back Dumbledore's Army. But I could come with you and--"

"No, no, no." You shook your head and placed your hands on your sister's shoulders. "It's a great idea to regroup the Dumbledore's Army. You and the others could do that while we find the Horcruxes. Recruit as many as you can."

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