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"How did you guys get out?" Hermione asked as she hugged you tightly. You were feeling better and stronger now. You promised yourself that you would try and avoid someone who's going to zap you with the Cruciatus Curse. It wasn't a pleasant experience.

You hugged Hermione back and smiled. "Malfoy helped us."

Hermione pulled away while Harry looked at you, shocked. "He what?" Harry asked, a smile forming on his lips.

Ron nodded. "Malfoy helped us to get out."

Hermione placed her hands on your shoulders. "If that doesn't mean that he loves you and deeply cares about you, I don't know what is."

You chuckled and shook your head. "Stop it, Mione. We should focus on what to do next."

"Are you really going to leave your sister here while you get all the fun?"

You turned around and saw Megan approaching you. Your eyes widened. "MJ, stay here. I can't let you be in danger."

"(Y/n)." Megan sighed. "I appreciate you protecting me. Really, I do. But you have to let me fight. I can't just stay here while you're out there risking your life." She glanced at Ginny and Luna. "Besides, I want to fight with my friends."

You smiled. "Are you sure you want to come to London?"

"Positive." Megan nodded.

"How are we going to get to London?" Neville asked.

Harry stared at you and the others for a while. "Look, it's not that I don't appreciate everything you've done, all of you, but... but I've got you into enough trouble as it is."

He walked past all of you while you all stared at him in disbelief. Neville frowned. "Dumbledore's Army's supposed to be about doing something real." Harry stopped and turned around to face all of you when he heard Neville's words. "Or was that all just words to you?"

Harry was speechless.

"Maybe you don't have to do this all by yourself, mate," Ron replied with a small smile.

Harry closed his eyes for a bit and opened them again, sighing. "So, how are we going to get to London?"

Luna smirked. "We fly, of course."

You and Megan glanced at the Ravenclaw girl. 'Luna, you sweet angel, I love you so much.'


You and your friends finally arrived in London by flying with Thestrals. All of you entered the Ministry of Magic and followed Harry as you all looked around. "Department of Mysteries." You murmured.

You and the others entered a room and saw a room full of crystal balls. "Lumos." You whispered then a light came out from the tip of your wand. The others looked at you and did the same thing too.

All of you continued walking, helping Harry to find Sirius and the thing that Voldemort was after. Suddenly, all of you heard a noise. The door was moving away, revealing a lot more small crystal balls. Harry turned at you and the others before walking away to find Sirius. You noticed he stopped. Harry was not too far away. He looked around, then looked at you and the others frantically. "He's not here. He should be here!"

You looked at Neville, who was already looking up. You stood beside him and saw Harry's name. "Harry." You called out.

"This one's got your name on it," Neville added, not taking his eyes off the small crystal ball.

Harry ran towards you, and Neville then stood beside you both to look at the small crystal ball. Harry glanced at you before grabbing the thing. It suddenly spoke. It was a prophecy.

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