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You waited by the Slytherin Common Room's door patiently as you hugged the papers that Pansy answered yesterday. You looked down at your shoes, still waiting.


And waiting.

Still waiting.

'Where the hell is she?' You sighed and were ready to give up until the door opened, revealing Pansy. You faced her and frowned. "I was waiting for so long."

"I had to arrange some things, alright." Pansy rolled her eyes. "Besides, we never invite any Gryffindors inside until you. Now come on."

You entered the Slytherin Common Room and instantly felt the chilliness of the room. You noticed that no one was around, possibly at their own dorms seeing how it was already late at night. Pansy sat down on the couch while you sat down on the floor. "Um, Stark, there's a reason why chairs and couches exist, you know."

You looked at her. "Oh, I'm fine here on the floor. I got used to sitting here anyway."

You placed the papers down on the table and showed them to Pansy. "You're doing great at Potions. I decided to teach you one more lesson before we part."

Pansy nodded silently, having no mood for a sarcastic comment or a snarky remark. You pressed your lips into a thin line, thinking of what had happened to Pansy but decided to shrug it off and pulled out a book. Pansy stared at you before snickering. "I can't believe this is your first time coming here. I expected Malfoy to drag you in here and be the first Slytherin to bring a Gryffindor in our common room."

"You would've made my stay a living nightmare." You chuckled.

Pansy scoffed. "Stacey Doom would've made your stay a living hell. Be glad that she's not around, and she's in her room complaining to Millicent about her breasts being uneven in size."

You paused for a moment before bursting into laughter while Pansy shook her head as she softly laughed. It was odd of you and Pansy to get along, but you have to admit, it wasn't exactly unpleasant.

"I swear to Merlin, that bitch is too full of herself. Makes me and Draco look like a saint, honestly." Pansy added.

Your smile instantly dropped when you heard Draco's name. It's been a while since you've heard his name nor seen him. You thought it was for the best since the Slytherin Prince decided to end your friendship with him. Your eyes widened in the realization that he could be in his room and could enter the common room any minute now.

Pansy noticed your drastic change of mood. "You alright there, Stark?"

You looked at her and nodded. "Mhm. Just... thinking."

"I assume it's about Draco?"

"Lucky guess." You huffed before turning some pages in your book.

"Well, of course," Pansy replied. "Your thoughts are way too loud. When do you not think about him?"

"And when do you not think about Daphne Greengrass, hm?"

Pansy sat up straight and crawled down to the floor to sit next to you. "You better watch your mouth, Stark."

"Or what?" You questioned. "Since you keep on teasing me about Malfoy, I wanted to return the favor by teasing you with Daphne. You two were inseparable."

"And that doesn't mean anything."

You stared at Pansy as she pulled your book towards her, trying to occupy herself with the potions she was reading. You dragged your legs towards you and hugged them closely. "I'm not a Ravenclaw, but I'm not dumb, you know. I can see the way you look and act when she's around."

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