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Am I the only one who hates when the teacher quickly transfers into the next slide, but you're not yet done copying. Siiiiiigh

(This note was written back at 2019)


You and Neville were walking together, minding your own business, until you spotted Crabbe and Goyle approaching you both. Suddenly, Crabbe and Goyle intentionally tripped Neville. He almost lost his balance, but you immediately helped him.

"Watch where you're going, Longbottom!" Goyle insulted as Crabbe cackled. You turned to them and sent them a death glare causing the two Slytherin bullies to run away. You looked at Neville, who was dusting himself off. "Are you okay, Neville?"

He nodded wordlessly and sighed. You and Neville continued to walk. Neville stopped in his tracks when he noticed something odd. You stopped walking and turned around to see him. "Neville?"

You stood next to him and you suddenly heard a slight rumble. The wall started transforming into huge doors. You and Neville shared a look. "Neville, I think we found a room for the meetings." You whispered.

You and Neville immediately searched for Harry, Hermione, Ron, and the other few Dumbledore's Army members. All of you entered the Room. "You've done it, Neville and (Y/n)! You've found the Room of Requirement!" Hermione exclaimed happily.

You looked at Hermione, who was standing beside you, and grinned at her. "The Room of Requirement?"

"The what?" Ron asked.

"It's also known as the Come and Go Room. The Room of Requirement only appears when a person has real need of it and is always equipped with the seeker's needs." Hermione explained as she looked around.

"So, say you really needed a toilet..." You snorted causing Ron to smile.

Hermione rolled her eyes but nodded. "Charming, Ronald. But yes, that is a general idea."

Harry grinned. "It's brilliant! It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back."



Suddenly, Neville's wand flew backward, causing you and your friends to duck for safety while Nigel was the last one to duck. Slowly, the members stood up and looked at Neville, who sighed in frustration. "I'm hopeless."

After discovering the Room of Requirement, Harry immediately held a meeting to practice some spells and charms the next day.

Harry faced Neville. "You're just flourishing your wand too much. Try it like this." He pointed his wand at the wooden dummy with a fake wand. "Expelliarmus!"

The statue's wand flew away and landed on the ground.

The Dumbledore's Army continued sneaking inside the Room of Requirement for the secret meetings the next few days. Although you and the others were stealthy enough to be noticed, you noticed that Filch was following or stalking around.

"Stunning is one of the most important spells in your arsenal. It's sort of a wizard's bread and butter, really." Harry explained as he walked around, holding his wand with both of his hands. "Come on, Nigel. Give it your best shot."

Harry stood in his position while Nigel stepped out and faced Harry, few feet away. Nigel took a deep breath and pulled his wand out. "Stupefy!" Both of them flew backward and landed harshly on the ground. "Good. Not bad at all, Nigel. Well done." Harry praised.

After a few minutes of break, it was Hermione and Ron's turn. You gave Hermione an encouraging smile which she smiled in return. Ron walked towards Hermione and whispered. "Don't worry. I'll go easy on you."

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