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What do you guys think? That I'm gonna end this book so soon? Our baby Scorpius isn't even born yet! But to be honest, this book is gonna end pretty soon...


Edward had been working on something for months and it was late at night. He was working on something special for you and Megan. He wouldn't let you or your sister come up to his office to see it since it was a special surprise.

Edward had just finished placing a piece on his invention, and it finally worked. Edward fell back on his chair, bewildered.

"Shit!" Edward exclaimed in amazement.


Edward froze and turned around to see you and your sister, his five-year-old and three-year-old daughters who have been hiding behind him all this time. You and your sister were smiling widely.

Edward placed his index finger against his lips, signaling you and Megan to stay quiet. "What are you two doing up here, little misses?"

"Shit," Megan repeated, still smiling.

Edward shook his head. "No, we don't say that. Only Mommy says that word. She coined it; it belongs to her."

"Why you up?" You asked.

"Because I got some important shit going on here." You tilted your head a bit and gave him a look. "What do you think? No, I got something on my mind. I got something on my mind."

"Was it Juice Pops?" Megan asked.

Edward stared at you and Megan for a moment. "Sure was. That's extortion. Great minds think alike." Edward looked back at what he had created and stood up. "Juice Pops is exactly was on..." He grabbed you and your sister's hands. "...my mind."

Edward walked straight to the kitchen and took out three Juice Pops for you, Megan, and himself. He handed you both your Juice Pops causing Megan to squeal in delight. "Alright, come on, you little rascals. Off to bed."

You and Megan ran off to your shared room and chased each other for a moment. Edward was behind, looking around to ensure his wife didn't wake up. When he turned around, he witnessed Megan on your back, playfully hitting your head while you laughed. "Nuh-uh. No, no, no. Get off your sister, now."

Edward separated you and your sister and picked you both up. He entered your room and placed the both of you on your separate beds. Megan laid down and hung her head by the edge of her bed. "Look!" You and Edward turned to look at Megan. "We're all upside-down!"

Edward chuckled before picking Megan up and placing her properly onto her bed. "You could be a spider if you continue that." He teased.

Megan gasped. "Ooh! I can be a black widow!"

"You can be whatever you want to be, cupcake." Edward kissed Megan's forehead, and the girl smiled at him. Your sister snuggled herself on her blanket and cuddled with her teddy bear.

"You done?" Edward asked as he turned to you, who was now holding the stick of Juice Pops. You smiled and nodded. "Yeah, now you are." Edward wiped your lips and pushed your head onto your pillow, causing you to giggle. "That face goes there."

"Tell me a story." You requested, pouting.

"A story..." Edward thought for a while. "Once upon a time, two girls went to bed. The end."

You frowned but laughed. "That is a terrible story."

Edward snickered. "Come on, that's your favorite story!" He leaned in and kissed your forehead. "I love you tons."

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