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"Hi, Harry." Padma and Parvati Patil greeted Harry in unison as they walked to their table.

You looked at Harry who was staring at Cho Chang. Cho was busy talking with her friends until one of her friends started whispering when they noticed Harry staring. "Cho, Harry's looking at you." Cho's friend whispered.

When Cho noticed him and smiled, he accidentally spat out his drink. Harry quickly looked away in embarrassment and set his goblet to the table.

You snickered as Harry turned to you. "(Y/n), are you alright now?" He asked as he cleared his throat.

You thought about it for a moment as you looked down at a plate full of fruits. Hermione and Ron glanced at you as you take one of the strawberries, taking a small bite. You looked back at Harry and shrugged. "Honestly, I'm... I'm really feeling quite better now, thanks."

Harry smiled and patted your back. "I'm glad."

"Look at this!" Hermione exclaimed. "I can't believe it, she's done it again!"

She looked back at the newspaper from the Daily Prophet. "Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey, sources report, is none other than the Bulgarian Bonbon Viktor Krum. No word yet on how Harry Potter's taking this latest emotional blow." She reads.

You glanced to her newspaper and saw the name Rita Skeeter causing you to groan and roll your eyes. "Ugh, her."

Hermione lowered her newspaper down and looked at you. "Did this unpleasant woman did something to you too?"

"Oh, she was unbearable." You scoffed. "Kept on pushing me to talk about my father's death when I was clearly grieving. Mum had enough and angrily sent her out of the house."

"She went to your home just to ask questions?" Ron asked in bewilderment. "She needs to know the word 'space' or at least put it in her notes and dictionary."

Hermione slightly laughed. "I don't think she even has a dictionary considering how ignorant and foolish she is."

Ron nodded. He turned to you and tilted his head in curiosity. "Say, (Y/n). How is your mother by the way?"

You took one last bite of the strawberry and nodded. "Good. She and I talked through letters. Turns out, I'm becoming a sister again."

Harry spat out his drink once again while Hermione gasped. Ron grinned in delight. "Another sibling?"

You smiled. "Yeah. It was supposed to be a surprise for my father as soon as we get back from the World Cup but..." You heavily sighed. "He didn't get to live just for a few hours to hear the news."

"Parcel for you, Mr. Weasley." You heard a boy said as he gave the package to Ron.

"Ah! Thank you, Nigel." Ron took the package and smiled at the boy. The boy didn't leave and started staring at Harry. Hermione noticed and cleared her throat as she looked at Ron then glanced at the boy. Ron nudged Nigel. "Not now, Nigel. Later."

You picked up a green apple and took a bite while Harry glanced at the boy then looked back at his food. The boy left.

Hermione raised a brow at Ron, giving him a questioning look. Ron sighed. "I told him I'd give him Harry's autograph." He looked at the package and ripped the cover of it. "Oh, look, Mum's sent me something."

Ron pulled some frilly robes from the package. "Mum sent me a dress!"

Harry looked more at the package. "Well, it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?" He saw something and pulled out more lace. "Ah-ha!"

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