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"MJ!" You ran after your younger sister with a letter in hand. "Megan!"

Megan turned around and sighed. "What?" She asked as Ginny, who was with her, turned around as well. "And why do you keep chasing me as if the world's ending in 10 days."

You placed your hand on Megan's shoulder. "The world is not ending but..." You showed her a letter. "I got good news for us."

Megan took the letter and read it with Ginny. Megan's eyes widened and loudly gasped causing every student to stop on what they were doing and turned to her. You rolled your eyes and nudged Megan causing her to look up from the letter. "Sorry." She grinned sheepishly and everyone went back to their thing.

"What is it?" Luna asked curiously.

"Our mother just had a baby!" Megan squealed in delight. "It's a boy!"

My dear daughters,

⠀⠀⠀As you two know already, I am pregnant. Your father would've been excited to see him. Well, I know he still is up there. The Healers came last week and finally gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

His name is Cameron Adriele Stark.

⠀⠀⠀Your father has always wanted American names. We had an agreement before that I get to name our babies first and he could add a second name. I mean, I at least deserve it since I had you both for 9 long months.

⠀⠀⠀But when the baby has finally arrived, I decided to make his first name Cameron. Edward liked the name Cameron while I gave the second name Adriele. I can't wait for you two to meet him.

He got his father's eyes...

I miss you both! Take care of each other.


"Cameron..." Megan sighed. "Really American, huh?" She turned to you and frowned. "Well, except for yours. Yours can be anything. That's quite unfair."

"Because I'm the oldest." You teased as you stuck your tongue out before leaving.

You were walking towards the Great Hall and spotted Cedric talking with Peter. A smile formed on your lips and quickly ran towards them. Without a warning, you hugged Peter from behind causing him to jump in surprise.

Peter chuckled as you pulled away. He turns to you and grins. "(Y/n)!"

You grinned back. "Hello, Pete!" You looked at Cedric who was smiling at you. "Hello, Ced!"

Cedric waved at you, still smiling sweetly. You turn to Peter, looking at his eyes. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. How about you?"


Peter crossed his arms and smirked. "I haven't seen you this happy, (Y/n). I'm glad you're back to your old self."

You paused for a moment before nodding. "I'm glad too."

Peter looked at his watch on his wrist and gasped. "Oh sh--I gotta go!" He waved at you before running off leaving you with Cedric.

You looked at Cedric with a bright smile. "Big day for you tomorrow, am I right Ced?"

Cedric chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah. The Third Task."

You patted his shoulder. "You'll do great. I believe in you and be careful!"

His gray eyes softened and smiled warmly. "Thank you, (Y/n)." Without any hesitation, he brought you to his arms and embraced you warmly. You froze on your spot but melted and hugged back. "You know, you are the little sister I never had."

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