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Your fingers brushed against Draco's wand as you observed it. You were inside the Shell Cottage where Dobby, who sadly passed away, brought you and your friends. You were sitting on a chair with your legs resting on top of the dining table.

Your eyes traveled up to see Hermione reading something. With one eyebrow raised, you wondered what story or subject Hermione was reading. You shrugged and looked back down at Draco's wand. You gripped onto the wand tightly, closed your eyes as an image of him entered your brain.

"Do you think he would have done it? Draco?"

"No. No, he was lowering his wand."

You tried to imagine what had happened back at the Astronomy Tower, the night where Dumbledore was killed.

"He disarmed him using that."

Your eyes opened, and you looked at Hermione, who placed her book down. "Draco. He disarmed Dumbledore using his wand. That's what Harry told me." You stared at her before looking down at the wand you were holding. 'Could it be...?'

"Did he return your memories of him?" Hermione curiously asked.

You nodded. "Yeah, I may have forced and pleaded him to bring it back."

Ron, who was sitting beside Hermione, cleared his throat. "It was my fault anyway. I brought Malfoy up in the middle of an argument. I can already tell he's going to kill me."

You chuckled. "I'll make sure he won't."

Harry suddenly entered the cottage, causing you to jump in surprise and remove your legs off from the table. Harry gave you a quick smile before turning to Billy and Fleur, who were in the kitchen.

"It's beautiful here," Luna told Billy, causing him and Fleur to turn to her.

"It was our aunt's," Billy replied, smiling. "We used to come here as kids. The Order uses it now as a safe house. What's left of us at least."

Luna walked towards the wind chimes made of shells and stared at them. "Muggles think these keep away evil. But they're wrong."

Harry sighed. "I need to talk to the goblin."

You nodded wordlessly as he headed upstairs with Ron and Hermione to talk to Griphook. Fleur walked towards you and sat beside you. She noticed you were holding Draco's wand. "I presume that's Draco Malfoy's wand?"

You looked up at her and nodded. "Yeah. Harry snatched it away from his hand with Bellatrix's wand and ours." You puffed your cheeks, a habit sometimes whenever you're curious, and looked at the door. "Fleur..."


"When I first saw you, I knew you were a Veela." You told her.

"Quarter-Veela, mon chéri." Fleur corrected as she placed her elbow on the table and rested her cheek on her palm.

"Right." You nodded. "Blonde, tall, beautiful. I'm curious about the possibility of having a male Veela?"

Fleur sighed and shook her head. "That I do not know, (Y/n). Why do you ask?"

You shrugged and looked back at Draco's wand. "No reason. Just curious."

Fleur's eyes looked down at Draco's wand too. "You're curious if Draco is a Veela?"

You slightly nodded. "Not really. Well, maybe. He is blonde, after all. And most of the girls in Hogwarts swoon over Draco, especially Stacey Doom." You chuckled. "It would be a nice thought to think that he is a Veela."

"It's not wrong to assume and wonder. Who knows, he may have a part-Veela in his blood." Fleur stated. "He's blonde and extremely handsome. You're a lucky lady, (Y/n)."

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