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"Weasley! Weasley! Weasley!" The Gryffindor students cheered inside the Gryffindor Common Room. "Weasley! Weasley! Weasley!"

You, Harry, and Hermione were standing where the three of you could clearly see Ron standing on top of a table.

"You really shouldn't have done it," Hermione told Harry.

"I know. I supposed I could have just used the Confundus charm." Harry said, glancing at Hermione, causing you to smirk at your best friend.

Hermione gasped quietly and widened her eyes. "That was different. That was try-outs. This was an actual game." Hermione defended.

Harry pulled out a small vial revealing the Liquid Luck with no sign of being used as it was still full.

"You didn't put it in?" You asked in surprise. Harry nodded, causing you to smile and look at Ron. "Wow."

"Ron only thought you did." Hermione smiled, causing Harry to nod again, smirking.

Suddenly, Ron was pulled down by Lavender as she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him. Ron was startled by her actions but kissed her back, wrapping one arm around her torso.

Your eyes widened, and you turned to Hermione worriedly, who was visibly shocked and hurt. Harry was obliviously smiling and chuckling, unknown to him that his Muggle-born friend was heartbroken. Hermione turned around and left the common room.

You tapped Harry's shoulder and pulled him out from the crowd, following Hermione. You both saw her on the bottom of the stairs, crying, as a few small birds chirped and flew on top of her head.

Hermione looked up to you and Harry and quickly wiped her tears away. "Charms spell. Just practicing."

"Well, they're really good." Harry complimented.

You sat down beside Hermione while Harry sat beside her on the other side. "How does it feel, (Y/n)?" She asked. "When you see Malfoy with Pansy, Stacey, or with any other girls?"

You looked down as you held her hand. "I would be lying if I said that I'm fine with it. I suppose I'm a bit hurt, but it feels wrong. He is not mine after all."

Hermione nodded before turning to Harry. "How about you, Harry? When you see Dean with Ginny?" She asked, sobbing.

Harry froze and looked for words to say back to Hermione. "I know," Hermione said. "I see the way you look at her. You're my best friend." She glanced at you. "Both of you."

The three of you suddenly heard uncontrollable and loud giggles and laughter. You looked up to see Lavender linking her arms with Ron's arm. You looked away while Harry looked at Ron in disbelief, sighing.

"Oops!" Lavender exclaimed. "I think this room's taken." Lavender smiled at Ron before running away.

Ron smiled. "What's with the birds?"

Hermione instantly stood up and took a deep breath. "Oppugno." She muttered, not even pulling out her wand.

A few more birds came and started attacking Ron. Ron dodged and looked at Hermione, shocked. He stood at the same place for a few seconds before leaving without saying a word.

Hermione sobbed harder and sat beside you and Harry again. She leaned in and cried on your shoulder, wrapping her hands around your arm.

Harry rubbed Hermione's back comfortingly. "It feels like this." Harry sighed.

You lifted your head up to see Draco Malfoy passing by. He didn't acknowledge Harry and Hermione's presence nor yours. You watched as he continued his way to the Astronomy Tower.

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