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"I have to admit; I thought I was gonna miss that last one." Ron chuckled to himself as he remembered what happened back at the Quidditch pitch. "I hope Cormac's not taking it too hard."

You glanced at Hermione as you approached your friends. Hermione smirked a bit before reading the newspaper once again. You saw what she did to Cormac McLaggen-muttering a spell without a wand so Cormac could miss a hit. Hermione begged for you to keep it a secret, and so you did.

You sat on the couch's armchair with your book in hand. "Would you forgive me, Ron, if I focused more on Ginny's amazing skills than yours?" You teased as you nudged his shoulder.

Ron dramatically gasped. "How dare you. You favor my little sister over me." Ron shook his head. "Quite disappointed, (Y/n). I thought I was your brother."

You cracked a smile before ruffling his ginger hair. "Of course I watched you too, idiot." You chuckled. "You did great out there."

Ron looked down at Hermione. "He's got a bit of a thing for you, Hermione. Cormac."

Hermione glanced at him. "He's vile.

Ron looked away and spotted Lavender waving at him before looking down at her book. Ron softly gulped as he turned away.

"Have you ever heard of this spell? Sectumsempra?" Harry asked, leaning towards Hermione to show her the book he was reading.

"Sectumsempra?" You questioned.

"No, I haven't." Hermione hissed, answering Harry's question. "And if you had a shred of self-respect, you'd hand that book in." She scolded.

"Not bloody likely," Ron said. "He's top of the class. He's even better than you, Hermione. Slughorn thinks he's a genius."

Hermione glared at Ron, who flinched in surprise. "What?" You looked back at Harry, who was reading again. "I'd like to know whose that book was."

"Let's have a look, shall we?" Hermione asked, facing Harry, reaching her hand out.

Harry shook his head. "No." He stood up, closing the book and clutching it in his hand.

Hermione stood up too in surprise while you remained seated and looked up at Harry. "Why not?" You asked.

Harry stepped back. "The binding is fragile."

"The binding is fragile?" Hermione asked incredulously, walking towards Harry.


Hermione scoffed while Ginny rolled her eyes, and as soon as Harry was near her, she took the chance to snatch the book with one swift move.

Harry jumped a little and chased after Ginny, who opened the book to look for a name. "Ginny." Harry pleaded.

"Slow down there, Potter." Ginny chuckled before looking at a name. "Who's the Half-Blood Prince?"

"Who?" Hermione asked.

"That's what it says right here." Ginny shrugged. "This book is property of the Half-Blood Prince."

You stood up and stood beside Ginny, leaning your head to her shoulder. "Huh." You furrowed your eyebrows when you realized how familiar the handwriting was. "Well, that's odd."

"What's odd?" Ginny asked, looking at you.

"The handwriting." You told her. You shrugged. "Too familiar." You flipped a page to look for the spell Harry found. "Sectumpsempra. For Enemies."

Ginny stared at Harry, who was looking at her. She sighed and tossed him back the book. Harry caught it and went to his room without saying a word.

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