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"Hey, Stark!"

You turned around to see Draco, alone, running towards you. You assumed that Hermione was with the two boys so you were looking for them around the castle. When you saw Draco, you decided to ignore him and walking away. Draco pouted and finally caught up to you, grabbing your wrist. "Where are you going?" Draco asked as he breathed.

"Why do you care?" You snapped.

"I'm asking you nicely, Stark." Draco frowned.

You sighed. "Looking for my friends. Why'd you ask?"

"I was wondering if we could talk," Draco replied as he scratched the back of his neck. "I'm going to walk with you until you reach your Common Room."

You raised a brow in confusion. "Why?"

"Just let me. Please?" Draco pleaded. You shrugged then started to walk with him. There was an awkward silence until Draco spoke. "I don't want us to have any bad blood between us so I like to apologize."

You stopped on your tracks and looked at him who also stopped walking. "What?"

"I'm sorry for what I did. My actions made you upset with me. I was not nice and I'm sorry." Draco was looking down, avoiding your eyes. You stuck your lower lip out as you thought about his apology and started walking again. He noticed this so he started walking with you too.

"Insulting my friends wasn't nice." You spoke so he looked at you. "I consider you as my friend too, Malfoy, because I want to give our friendship a chance not just because of our families. And I don't want my friends hating and insulting each other."

Draco sighed. There was an awkward silence again. Breaking the silence, Draco spoke up again. "Your sister is quite sweet by the way." He stated, changing the subject.

You looked at Draco and smiled. "Well, she thinks you're handsome."

"She thinks so?" Draco asked with a smirk. "Well, it runs in the family. You know, the good looks." He winked making you laugh.

Draco smiled when he saw you laughed. You noticed him staring making you raise your eyebrow. "What?"

Draco shook his head. "Nothing. I think I should go find Crabbe and Goyle. I think they're hanging out with Pansy."

"Well, good luck looking for your friends." 

He smiled and waved goodbye as he left. You continued to walk around until you found your friends by the hallway, looking for some trophies, medals, and awards of Gryffindor from Quidditch. You soon joined then and hung your arms around Ron and Hermione. "Found you!"

"(Y/n)!" Harry greeted. "Where have you been? We've been looking for you."

"I got lost." You looked at what they were looking as Ron talked. "(Y/n), you wouldn't believe this! Harry's father was a Seeker too!"

Harry was appointed as the Gryffindor Seeker to the team for Quidditch and it was surprising that his father was also a Seeker himself too. 

Hermione nodded. "And not just Harry's father." She dragged you towards the Slytherin achievements and pointed her finger to a picture and badge. Harry and Ron followed behind. You stepped closer to see your father in the Quidditch with his teammates.

"Your father was a Chaser!"

You softly gasped in admiration. "I didn't know he was on Quidditch."

The four of you headed to the stairs to return to the Common Room. Ron caught up to Harry while you walked beside Hermione. "I'm telling you, guys, it's spooky," Ron told you and Harry. "She knows more about you two than yourselves."

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