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You were walking on the corridors, on your way to the Great Hall with your sister.

"I made new friends by the way," Megan informed. "The other one's a year older, I think."

You smiled. "Well, that's good. I thought Ginny and Draco will be your only friends here in Hogwarts."

Megan slightly slapped your arm. "You know how much I hate human interactions. So be proud that I have Luna and Cho as my new friends."

"Of course I'm proud, MJ." You patted her head. "Maybe you can introduce your new friends to Ginny so that the four of you could hang out."


Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 'Okay. Which Stark?' You and Megan turned around and saw Stacey and Pansy. Stacey pushed Pansy towards you and your sister. "What?" You asked her in annoyance.

Pansy breathed heavily then pinned you in the wall causing you to wince in pain. "You giving us problems is what!"

You tried to push her away from you but you ended up failing. "Giving you a... what? What did I do?"

"Stay. Away. From. Draco!" She hissed, pushing you harder on the wall. "Or if you didn't I swear I'll make your life living hell!"

"Let her go!" Megan pushed Pansy away from you but the older girl didn't budge. Pansy glared at Megan and pushed her away causing Megan to fall to the ground.

Your eyebrows furrowed and you glared at Pansy whose eyed widened in shock. "How dare you!" You pushed Pansy away from you with more force causing her to almost lose her balance. You helped your sister up and faced Pansy. "If you touch my sister, I'll kill you myself, got it?"

You bumped your shoulder to Pansy's as you and your sister walked away. Megan looked up at you and smiled. "Didn't know you were that protective over me."

"Yeah because I'm the only one who can push you like that."

Megan dramatically gasped and playfully pushed you. "Rude!"

Pansy stared at the both of you as you and your sister entered the Great Hall. She turned around and glared at Stacey who watched the whole thing. "I hope you're happy."

You went to your seat with your friends while your sister went to the Ravenclaw table. You sat beside Hermione and let out a groan while smacking your head to the table.

"Bloody hell, (Y/n)!" Ron exclaimed. "Are you okay?"

"I'm... fine." You groaned in frustration and lifted your head up to look at your friends as you rest your chin on your fist. "Pansy just threatened me to stay away from Malfoy."

"What?" Harry asked in disbelief. "First of all, how dare she threatened you. I'll cast a killing curse on her if I have to. Second, Malfoy and Pansy aren't even dating so why does she care so much?"

"She's in love and obsessed with him." You replied with a fake gag. You spotted Pansy entering the Great Hall wearing an annoyed expression. "Honestly, I feel sorry for her."

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Well, she can't see that Malfoy doesn't like her. It's just sad to see and think that she and Stacey are still trying so hard."

"How about you?" Hermione asked.

Your eyebrows furrowed in her question. "I'm sorry?"

"Based on my observations, you and Malfoy were quite close. Don't you think the two of you think of each other of something more?"

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