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"Harry! Hagrid!" Molly Weasley yelled as she ran towards Harry with Ginny. "What happened? Where are the others?"

Harry's eyes widened. "Is no one else back?"

Soon, Peggy and you arrived at the Burrows. The Polyjuice Potion's effects started wearing off and you were back in your own self. Peggy groaned in pain while you hugged youself, shivering, as the cold air hits your wet body. You looked around and noticed the you and Peggy were finally at the Weasley's home.

You saw Harry and Hagrid but the others were nowhere to be found. Ginny approached you and came to check on you. "Where are the rest? Are they not yet back?" You asked. Ginny shook her head. "No, but are you alright?" She asked worriedly.

"They were on us way from the start, Molly." Hagrid explained. "We didn't stand a chance."

"They knew we were moving Potter." Peggy added as she clutched her wound on her arm. "Like someone snitched on us. Betrayed us..."

Molly sighed. "Well, thank goodness you four are alright."

"The Death Eaters were waiting for us." Hagrid continued. "Attacked us. It was an ambush."

You sneezed as you started to feel colder. Ginny wrapped her arm around you and glanced at Harry. "Ron and Tonks should've already been back." Harry said.

Ginny nodded. "Dad and Fred as well." She glanced at you. "I have to take care of (Y/n) first, Harry, I'll be right back." She informed Harry before entering the house with you. She sat you down on a chair and gave you a towel. "Here, (Y/n), dry yourself up."

You nodded and wrapped the towel around before letting out another small sneeze. Ginny chuckled. "Well, that's a cute sneeze. Wish he was here to hear it."

"Who?" You asked.

Before Ginny could realize her mistake, both of you suddenly heard noises from outside. "Oh, my boy." Molly gasped.

You gasped quietly when you saw George being carried inside the house with his left side of his head, bleeding and his ear missing. George was placed on the couch. Molly crouched down to aid her son while you flinched when Lupin attacked Harry, pinning him on the wall, pointing his wand at him.

"Lupin!" Hagrid yelled.

"What are you doing?" You asked, standing up.

Lupin ignored you. "What creature sat in the corner the first time when Harry Potter visited of my office in Hogwarts?" Lupin asked.

"Are you mad?!" Harry yelled.

"What creature?!" Lupin yelled back.

"A Grindylow." Harry answered. Lupin sighed and stepped back from Harry.

"We've been betrayed." Lupin explained. "Voldemort knew you were being moved tonight. I had to make sure, you weren't an imposter."

Harry just nodded wordlessly.

"Any idea who betrayed us?" Peggy asked.

Lupin shook his head. "No clue."

Then all of you heard another noise outside. Lupin and Harry ran outside while you looked by the window on what was happening. Lupin and Kingsley pointed their wands at each other while Hermione stood behind Kingsley. "The last words Albus Dumbledore spoke to the pair of us?"

Lupin smiled. "Harry is the best hope we have. Trust him." He repeated Dumbledore's last words to them. The two finally lowered their wands. "What gave you away?" Kingsley asked.

"Hedwig, I think." Harry answered. "She was trying to protect me."

You saw others started arriving. Bill and Fleur arrived with the Thestral they were riding along with Tonks and Ron. Hermione wasted no hesitation and ran up to Ron, embracing him. Ron's eyes widened but hugged her back before pulling away. "Thanks."

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