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For the first time in your years in Hogwarts, you decided to go back home to be with Vivian, while Megan chose to stay with Ginny along with Harry, Ron, and Hermione for the holidays. As soon as you stepped inside your room, you felt your heart drop in realization.

You finally came home for Christmas, but Edward was already gone.

You dropped your bags and collapsed on your well-made bed, stretching your arms out to grab Mr. Snuggles. Mr. Snuggles was the huge panda stuffed toy that Megan had given you during your first year in Hogwarts. Megan wanted to name it Mr. Tewks, but you went with Mr. Snuggles.

The stuffed toy has been through a lot. It was the thing you were cuddling while you were happy or sad. It has also been drenched from your endless tears whenever you remember your father or Cedric. Right now, you didn't know what to feel, but you still chose to hug the huge stuffed toy.

You lifted your head and found some pictures around your room. One of them was your father's, and the small crumpled picture was Cedric.

Sighing heavily, you dump your head back to Mr. Snuggles and groan. "Why do I always have to lose someone close to me?" You whispered.

"Hello, sweetie." You instantly sat up and saw your mother open your door and smile. "Bad day?"

"No, mum." You assured her. "Just thinking. Where's Cameron?"

"Sleeping. Bucky's with him in the room too, sleeping as well." Vivian lifted her hand, showing the letters that you had given her. "Don't be mad that I couldn't answer all of them. I was quite busy, and the Ministry was being strict for sending letters."

She sat down with you and looked at you. "Is it true what you did to Stacey Doom? About you attacking her?"

Your lips formed a thin line as you looked away and slowly nodded. "Well, I didn't hurt her. I just shoved her hard into the wall." You confessed.

Vivian stared at you for a while before smiling and patting your back. "That's good."

You quickly looked at her with your eyes wide open. "Did Dad just possess you or something? Why is that good?"

Vivian chuckled. "I know that sounds bad, but honestly, I never liked the Dooms." She admitted. "They're worse than Malfoys and Parkinsons, really."

She noticed your scarred hand and frowned. "Was that the punishment for pushing the young Doom?"

You glanced down and nodded. "Yeah. I got to detention twice for pushing her and oversleeping."

"Did Megan get detention too?"


Vivian looked away, feeling bad for what happened to you and Megan. She shook her head and sighed heavily. "We should've stayed you and your sister away from Hogwarts. But your father and I adored the school and knew you two would have a great time."

"We did." You replied with a shrug. "Most of the time. It may not look like it, mum, but even with all the fighting and facing the dangers around, we still manage to have fun and learn."

Vivian softly smiled. "Well, I'm glad to hear that." She glanced down at your bracelet. "How are you and Draco, by the way?"

You shrugged. "Good, I guess? I don't know. It's... complicated." Silence filled the air until you remembered something. "Mum, did you know a Wanda Maximoff in our family?"

"You mean Wanda Stark?"

Your eyes blinked in confusion and shock. "Wait. She's a Stark?"

Vivian leaned back to look at you in surprise. "Yeah, how did you know about her?"

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