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Halloween finally came meaning Christmas is nearby. Your mind drifted away as you recalled your moments with your family during Halloween. The Great Hall was decorated with floating pumpkins and even the food was Halloween theme. You and Harry went together to your table with the other Gryffindors. You were beside Harry while Ron was in front of Harry. The three of you were eating.

"Have you seen Hermione?" Harry asked you. You sighed and shook your head. "I couldn't find her. She ran before I could even talk to her."

Neville, who was beside Ron, spoke. "Parvati Patil said that she wouldn't come out of the girl's bathroom. She said that she'd been in there all afternoon, crying."

You looked at Harry worriedly. "I have to go and get her."

Harry gazed at you as you stood up. "What about your food?"

"I think I ate a lot already. Ron can eat mine! See you two back at the Common Room!"

You ran and passed to a running Quirinus Quirrell. "Troll!" You heard him screamed. You decided to ignore him and his screaming. All you care about was Hermione right now. You went to the bathroom where Hermione was. "Hermione!" You knocked on a stall, wishing she was there.

"Leave me alone!"

You turned your head where the voice came from and noticed that Hermione was on the other stall. You approached the stall and softly knocked. "It's me, (Y/n)." You spoke. 

The door slowly swung open. You saw Hermione getting out and wiping her tear-stained cheeks. You quickly gave her a hug causing the girl to jump in surprise. "Hey, it's alright. I'm here."

Hermione smiled and hugged you back. "Thanks (Y/n). For being here." She slowly looked up and widened her eyes. "Holy cricket..."

You turned around to see a huge troll standing behind you. Hermione quickly hid in the stall she was in while you stayed under the sinks. The troll smashes the stalls. You heard her scream meaning she was still alive.

You stood up and pointed your wand at him. Before you could cast a spell, the troll pushed you away by his weapon and you landed on the floor, bumping the back of your head to the sink. You hissed in pain and noticed a bit of blood dripping.

Harry and Ron came inside and witnessed you and Hermione.

"Hermione!" Ron shrieked.

"(Y/n)!" Harry yelled. Hermione rushed towards you as the troll's eyes followed her. Hermione covered you to keep you safe. "Help us!" Hermione shouted.

Harry brought his wand out and charged towards the troll's weapon. The troll lifted its weapon dragging Harry with it. Harry managed to land on top of the troll and was shook violently as the troll tried to shook him away.

Harry plunged his wand to the troll's nose causing the troll to be annoyed and grabbed Harry's leg, dangling him upside down. "Do something!" Harry told Ron.

Ron looked around. "What?"


Ron glanced at Hermione and you who mouthed him the levitation spell and motioning the gesture to conjure the spell. "Swish and flick." Hermione mouthed.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron pointed his wand at the troll's weapon and the weapon was lifted. The troll looked up to spot his weapon levitating on top of him. The weapon was dropped on the troll's head. The troll fell unconscious, released Harry, and collapsed on the ground.

Hermione and you slowly got up and approached the unconscious troll and the boys. "Is it dead?" Hermione asked.

"I don't think so," Harry replied. "Just knocked out."

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