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My classmate got scared when she saw the GIF above. She felt like Draco did really kicked her face HAHAHHAHA


"So, how are you?"

You flinched as you tore your eyes away from the window and faced Hermione. Together with the other students, you and your friends were now on the train on your way to Hogwarts. You glanced at Harry and Ron who were looking at you and waiting for an answer. "What?"

"After everything happened..." Hermione replied. "We're glad that your mother still allowed you to come to Hogwarts."

You smiled. "She was hesitant. She said it's too dangerous to come back, but Megan and I reasoned with her."

"How about your little brother?" Ron asked in curiosity.

"Mum's bringing him to a family friend out of Britain." You answered. "She doesn't want Cameron to be any near danger."

"It's safe in Hogwarts (Y/n)," Harry reassured. "I mean, Dumbledore's there."

You gave him a look. "Not to offend you or him or anyone, but for the last six years, we've been in trouble a lot of times, even if Dumbledore was there. Besides, we shouldn't always depend on him."

"Quibbler!" You heard Luna's faint and small voice from afar. Hermione cleared her throat as she changed the topic. "Harry's the new Gryffindor Quidditch Captain now."

You looked at him with a smile. "That's good news!"

Harry chuckled. "Thanks..." But you could tell something else was bothering him. He wanted to discuss something far more important than the news of him becoming a Quidditch Captain. Hermione opened her mouth to speak. "He--"

"So, what was Draco doing with that weird-looking cabinet?" Harry asked out of the blue while your eyebrows raised in surprise and confusion. "What?" You asked.

"We spotted Draco with his mother in the Borgin and Burkes," Hermione informed. "And there were few more people around."

"Don't you see? It was a ceremony." Harry replied. You furrowed your eyebrows at him as you looked at him. "An initiation."

"Stop it, Harry." Hermione demanded. "I know where you're going with this."

"It's happened." Harry added. "He's one of them."

"One of what?" Ron asked.

Hermione sighed and glanced at you. "Harry's under the impression Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater."

You let out a laugh while Ron gasped. When Harry didn't laugh back, you frowned. "Oh, please. That can't be true." You retorted. "Malfoy is not a Death Eater."

"You're barking." Ron said. "What would You-Know-Who want with a sod like Malfoy?"

You sent a slight glare at Ron, who flinched and raised his arms up in fear. "Sorry."

"Oh, then what's he doing in Borgin and Burkes?" Harry asked. "Browsing for furniture?"

"It's a creepy shop." You muttered under your breath.

"He's a creepy bloke," Ron added.

"Look, his father is a Death Eater," Harry replied. "It only makes sense. Besides, Hermione saw it with her own eyes."

You looked at Hermione, who sighed. "I told you, I don't know what I saw."

You shook your head and sighed in frustration. "I need some air." You suddenly stood up and walked out of the compartment. Hermione slapped Harry's lap, earning a wince from the boy. "What?"

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