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"Sorry about the bite, I reckon that twinges a bit." Sirius apologized as he helped Ron to walk with Harry.

"A bit? A bit?" Ron asked. "You almost tore my leg off!"

Sirius rolled his eyes and chuckled. "I was going for the rat. Normally, I have a very sweet disposition as a dog. In fact, more than once, James suggested that I make the change permanent. The tail I could live with. But the fleas? They're murder."

"We're planning to have a dog." You told Sirius with a smile. "I bet he's going to be wonderful. Maybe he's going to be just like you when he's mad." You chuckled.

Sirius smiled at you. "Oh yeah? Have you think of a name?"

"Bucky." You answered, still following then as we exited the house and the hole. "The name sounds very sweet but dangerous if mad."

Sirius set Ron down on a rock and Ron sat there. Hermione crouched down and observed the bit. Sirius looked at you and placed his hand on your shoulder with a smile. "I wish I could meet your dog one day."

You grinned. "Maybe. Soon."

Sirius nodded then walked away, looking at the Hogwarts castle from afar. We all sat down on the grass, looking at Ron's wound.

"You should go," Draco told Harry, gesturing him to talk to Sirius.

Harry shook his head. "No, no. Guys, it's fine. I'll stay."

Hermione shook her head and placed her hand at Harry's. "It's fine. We'll stay."

Harry sighed and stood up. He walked towards Sirius then they started talking.

"Ow. That looks really painful." Hermione said as she looked at Ron's wounded leg.

Ron sighed. "It's sorta painful. They uh, they might... chop it."

You looked at Ron and Hermione with a smirk while Draco eyed them suspiciously.

"I'm sure Madam Pomfrey will fix it in a heartbeat."

"It's too late, it's ruined. It'll have to be chopped off."

"Are you two flirting but recreating the time when Pansy and Stacey asked about Draco's wounded arm?" You asked, chuckling.

Ron and Hermione chuckled too, looking at each other. Draco frowned and crosses his arms. Ron looked at Draco and smiled. "What? You were flirting with Parkinson and Doom back then."

"They were flirting, Weasley. I do nooooot." Draco whined, pouting, and laying his head on your shoulder.

Hermione laughed and smiled when she saw the two of you. "Look, differences aside, you two look great together."

You glanced at Draco before shaking your head. "We decided to be friends."

Hermione frowned. "And why's that?"

"Just... reasons..." You clutched the hem of your skirt as you looked down. Draco slowly lifted his head up and sighed, looking away.

Suddenly, all of you heard noises from the tree. You and your friends turned to see Lupin struggling to get Pettigrew out. "Turn me into a Flobberworm. Anything but the Dementors!" When Pettigrew was finally out, he ran for Ron. "Ron!" He knelt down at him. "My friend! Haven't I been a good pet! You don't want them to give me to the Dementors, right? I was your rat!"

When Ron moved back in fear, Pettigrew turned to Hermione. "Girl! Clever girl! Please--"

You stood up and faced him. "Get away from them!" You yelled with a push, moving him away from your friends.

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