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A few weeks later, you were now staying with Hermione and Ron at Number 12, Grimmauld Place, the home of Sirius Black. The building also served as the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, a secret organization founded by Albus Dumbledore.

You brought Bucky along while Megan stayed at the house to help Vivian taking care of Baby Cameron. You were waiting for Harry to come into the room with Hermione and Ron. Ron was rubbing Bucky's belly while Hermione was watching Ron with a smile. You tossed a small ball on the ceiling with it bouncing back to you. You were catching and tossing it again and again with your one hand.

"If I could be anywhere, I'd be there." You started singing softly, still focusing on the ball.

"Beautiful voice."

You quickly sat up and saw Harry by the door and waved at you. "Harry!" You greeted with a grin.

Hermione noticed him and quickly ran towards him, giving him a big hug. "Oh, Harry!" She pulled away. "Are you all right? We overheard them talking about the Dementor attack. You must tell us everything."

Ron chuckled as stood up while Bucky ran towards you and jumped up to sit with you. "Let the man breathe, Hermione."

"And this hearing at the Ministry. It's just outrageous! I've looked it up. They simply can't expel you. It's completely unfair!" Hermione continued.

"There's a lot of that going around at the moment, Hermione," Harry said as he looked around. "So, what is this place?"

"Headquarters..." You said simply, sitting back on the bed, clutching the ball in your hand. "...of the Order of the Phoenix."

"It's a secret society," Hermione added. "Dumbledore formed it back when they first fought You-Know-Who."

"You couldn't have put this in a letter, I suppose," Harry replied as he walked around then stopped to look at Hermione and Ron while you were behind him since you were on the bed. "I've gone all summer without a scrap of news."

You looked down in guilt as you rubbed Bucky's head while Ron sighed. "We wanted to write, mate. Really, we did. Only..." Ron trailed off, looking down.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows confusingly. "Only what?"

Hermione sighed. "Only Dumbledore made us swear that we wouldn't tell you anything." She confessed.

Harry paused, slightly hurt. He glanced at you but you looked away, sighing heavily. "Dumbledore said that?" He asked. "But why would he want to keep me in the dark? Maybe I could help! After all, I'm the one who saw Voldemort return, I'm the one who fought him, I'm the one who saw Cedric Diggory get killed."

You winced and closed your eyes. Suddenly, the Weasley twins appeared behind Harry, in front of you, making you and Harry jump in surprise. "Harry." George greeted with a smile as he sat down beside you and wrapped his arms around your dog, hugging him. "Thought we heard your dulcet tones."

"Don't bottle it up, though, mate," Fred added as he sat on the other side of you. "Let it out." He rested his arm around your shoulders comfortingly causing you to look up at him and smile.

"If you're all done shouting..." George started.

"Do you wanna hear something a little more interesting?" Fred asked, continuing his twin brother's sentence.

You and your friends got out of the room and stood just by the stairs. The twins lowered down an ear, near the door. Inside, there was a meeting going on. All of you wanted to hear it.

"If anyone's got a right to know it's Harry. If it wasn't for him we wouldn't even know Voldemort was back! He's not a child, Molly." You heard Sirius Black exclaimed.

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