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It was a normal day for you and your family. Your mum was cooking breakfast for you and your younger sister Megan. Your father was reading a letter from Steve, probably someone from work. You were playing with your sister until your mother came out from the kitchen. Your father, Edward Anthony Stark, works in the Ministry of Magic with his friend, but sometimes rival, Lucius Malfoy.

Your father was from a wealthy pure-blood wizarding family. The Starks were known for their intelligence, heritage, and traditionally sorted into Slytherin. Even your ancestors' wives and husbands were in Slytherin. However, it changed when Howard Stark, your grandfather, married your grandmother, Maria Carbonell, a Gryffindor, while your father married Vivian Potts, a Hufflepuff.

Your grandmother was half-blood. Her family wasn't really famous but it was respected. Her family was mixed with Ravenclaw and Gryffindor traits.

Although Starks were inclined to blood-purity, your family did not practice inbreeding and was allowed to marry half-bloods, unlike the other wizarding families.

"Sweethearts, breakfast is ready!" Your mother called out. You and Megan grinned and raced towards the diner room. You helped Megan to sit on her chair then finally you sat on your own chair.

"You don't need to help me to my chair, (Y/n)." Megan giggled as she sliced her bread and started eating it.

"I just want to help, Meg." You shrugged and stuffed some sliced bread in your mouth.

You inherited your father's wits but Megan had it more. Perhaps it was because of your grandmother's family. Your younger sister knew more about history and music and would always stay by the library to read about your family's ancestors.

Your father soon joined you, your sister, and your mother at the table. "Yum! Vivian? Do you have cold water?" Your father asked, smiling.

"Yes, dear. Hang on." You heard your mum said.

"Who did the letter came from, dad?" Megan asked as she took another pancake.

"Your uncle. Steve." Your father smiled and got some bread. "He asked me something about work, no biggie."

Stark, a name that is famous to all. One of the famous and richest pure-blood families in the wizarding world together with the Malfoy family.

Your father, Edward Stark, was friends with Lucius Malfoy since they are both working for the Ministry of Magic. Your family and his family were close friends but you haven't met Lucius' only son, Draco Malfoy.

Only your younger sister, Megan Stark, met Draco Malfoy.

She described him as a slender boy with sleek white-blond hair, cold grey eyes. His blonde hair slicked tightly back. Megan thinks he's handsome too. You wondered how cold his grey eyes were since Megan described them as if you could freeze once you stared at them.

After you and your family were done with breakfast, your father played with your sister while you helped your mother, Vivian, to the dishes. Even though you have a house-elf, you still wanted to do the chores.

Your house-elf was Darcy and you became friends with her too. Just a few months ago, Darcy became friends with the Malfoys' house-elf, Dobby.

Once you were done helping your mother, you went to your room and grabbed your favorite book. You went back to the living room and started reading as your parents played with Megan. You were lost in your fantasy world until you heard a faint noise outside. You looked up from your book to find an owl heading towards the window. As your eyes squinted to see clearly what was the owl was carrying, a smile formed on your face when you recognized what it was. "Mum! Dad! Letter!"

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