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You opened the door to your sister's room and found Megan petting her snake. You winced at the sight and cleared your throat. "Uh, MJ, I thought we're supposed to be at the library."

Megan frowned. "Do we have to? I don't want to be away with Five."

You cocked an eyebrow. "Five?"

"It's my snake's name!"

"Because he's pet number 5?"


You chuckled. "I thought because you wanted to name him Five because of the story you read a year ago."

Megan smiled. "Oh, yeah, that too. You liked the character more than I do."

You watched as she put the snake back to its cage and tied her hair. You stepped inside and crossed your arms. "You couldn't have think of a better name?"

"Five is a good name."

"It's a number, Megan."

Megan sighed. "I was thinking about naming him Sir Reginald or maybe Loki but Sir Reginald is already taken by my lizard while I want to name my child as Loki or Sylvie."

You glanced at Megan's lizard just by her books, crawling freely. "Oh, yeah, I remember Sir Reginald. Where's his little monocle and top hat?"

Megan glared at the lizard. "He lost it." She huffed before walking towards you. "Come on, let's go. I want this thing to be done."

You and your sister headed to the library in your house and opened the door to find thousands of books around on the bookshelves. Megan crossed her arms and glanced at you. "Why do you want to know so much about our family history all of a sudden?"

"Just curious." You answered before entering the library. "Start looking. I'll start on the right, you start on the left."

"Aye, captain."

The two of you looked for books that could relate to your family. You gathered some books and placed them on one table. You started browsing some pages until you found Megan has gathered more books. Megan smiled. "I know a lot more in this library, sis, so don't be surprised."

"Yeah because you're obsessed with libraries."

"Hah!" Megan cackled. "Guilty."

You and your sister started looking for something about your family. Megan would show you some phrases or paragraphs and you would write them down on parchment paper. Few hours have passed, Megan gave up and leaned her back against the wooden chair. "I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm done reading books."

You nodded and laid your head down at the table. "Why does our family have so much history?"

"What exactly do you want to know about anyway?"

You lifted your head up and looked at Megan. "I want to know why can't a Stark snd a Malfoy can't be together, M."

Megan stared at you blankly before nodding and gasping. "Oh! Starks and Malfoys have been at each other's throat since the 16th century."

"That long?" You gasped.

Your sister nodded. "The first Lucius Malfoy wanted the Queen of England's hand but he was unsuccessful. But one succeeded. Although it was a secret relationship, the Malfoys knew it was one of the Starks."

You continued to listen as Megan continued with her story. "After one of our ancestors have successfully won Queen Elizabeth's heart, Lucius allegedly jinxed the Queen to make her subsequent opposite to marriage. The Starks were of course were furious about the rumor but the Malfoys have denied the rumors and accusations."

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