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That's your dog. Bucky.


"Cedric, no!" You yelled before waking up, noticing that you have been covered in sweat and tears. You sat up and breathed heavily as your eyes closed shut and you ran your fingers through your messy hair. "Bloody hell."

You started placing your pillows back to their place as you huffed in annoyance. 'I hate Voldemort. I hate the Death Eaters.' You ranted in your thoughts. 'They're the reason why Cedric and my Dad are dead.'

Looking around, you found your guitar in the of your room. You sighed heavily and picked up your guitar, strumming the strings. It's been a while since you played your guitar. It somehow makes you feel comfortable and relaxed. You started humming and slowly, you softly sang.

"If I die young bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses." You closed your eyes as you continued to play the guitar.

"Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song
Uh oh uh oh."

You quickly stopped when you felt another presence in your room. You set your guitar down beside you and turned around. "Yes, Draco?"

Draco was visiting you. He wanted to come with you, your sister, and your mother to visit your father's grave. Vivian allowed him to come and visit you but you knew if your father was alive, he would've allowed him as well but you might hear a neverending rant from him about the Malfoys being terrible.

Draco looked at a picture just sitting by the table. He noticed that it was a picture of was you and him. It was taken from your birthday. Draco saw another picture above, hanging on the wall. It was you and your family together. You saw him smiled. "Bored or did you just felt like playing the guitar?" He asked as he sat beside you. He pulled out a green apple and took a bite.

"Just felt like it." You muttered as you looked down at your guitar. Suddenly, Draco took it. "Hey!"

"It's my turn." He smiled. In return, you snatched his apple and quickly took a bite. "Hey!"

"What?" You asked innocently. He pouted but shook his head. He started strumming the strings on the guitar. "So you know how to play the guitar?"

"I have one that's why. And I've been practicing it and the piano as well." He answered, not looking into your eyes since he was looking at the strings. "I composed a song." He confessed.

A smile formed on your lips as watched him. Your eyes noticed a shining pendant hanging just above his chest. You noticed a necklace wrapped around his neck and the pendant is a lock. Your eyes slightly widened and quickly looked down at the necklace that he had given you during the Yule Ball.

"If I had a plane, where would I fly to?
If I had to use my brain for something else, tell me what would I do?"

You looked at him as he sang. He looked back at you with a smile. You put down the apple on the bedside table and continued listening.

"And if I had a strange conversation with a lady in a waiting room
About leaving all this doom and gloom."

You chuckled as you brought up your feet to the bed and hugged your legs. You placed your chin on your knees as you listened to him singing.

"If you could be anywhere, then where would you be?
If you could be anywhere, would you be there with me?"

You slightly nodded causing him to smirk a bit.

"If I could be anywhere, I'd be there.
If I could be anywhere, I'd be there with you, girl."

He stopped and placed your guitar down beside him. You frowned. "Why'd you stop? It was beau--"

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