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"Good Morning, Hermione." You greeted gleefully. Hermione smiled in return. "Good morning to you as well, (Y/n)!"

You went to the Common Room with Hermione. You took a look at the Boys' Dormitories.

"Do you think they're still asleep?" You asked your friend again while hugging your books.

"Probably. The beds are too comfy that's why." Hermione said with a giggle. "Let's go. We might be late for our first class."

You agreed before following Hermione out of the Gryffindor Common Room to your first class. You were about to arrive in the room but you stopped when you saw Draco and his posse. You noticed Hermione entering the room.

"Stark," Draco acknowledged as he stood in front of you. He was a bit taller than you so you have to look up at him. "Didn't know we have the same classes."

"Maybe not all of them." You shrugged and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.

"It's a shame that you didn't get sorted to Slytherin. We would have been great and closer." Draco sighed. "You could have been friends with Millicent or Pansy."

You frowned. "Even if we're not in the same houses doesn't mean we can't be friends, Malfoy."

"Gryffindors and Slytherins are not seen as friends, Stark," Draco stated. "But if you wish us to be friends, we could. It's my father's wish anyway: to be friends with the Starks."

"So you just wanted me to be your friend because I'm a Stark?" You asked. "Not because you really want to?

Draco was about to speak but you heard Hermione called you. You shook your head at Draco then went inside the classroom.

You sat beside Hermione and put your book at the desk. "Sorry." You apologized.

"You were talking to Draco Malfoy?" She asked.


Hermione opened her mouth to ask a question until Draco and his crew came inside the room. Crabbe sat on a different seat with a Slytherin girl while Draco and Goyle sat together just in front of you and Hermione. Hermione leaned towards you and whispered. "Did he threatened you? Mocked you? Teased you? I swear if he--"

"No, no, no." You shook your head with a smile. "I'm fine. He didn't do anything."

Hermione stared in surprise before shrugging and started scribbling some notes in her parchment paper with her quill. You glanced down at what she was writing before shrugging and taking your things out as you waited for the professor. Draco looked back at the door to check on the teacher until he noticed you taking out your quill. You caught him looking causing the boy to look and turn away.

Professor McGonagall finally came. "Good morning, children. Let's take down some notes, shall we?"

You started writing down notes along with the others after Professor McGonagall started teaching. Once she wrote some notes on the board, she transformed herself into a cat and observed you all. You and the other students suddenly heard two students rushing towards the room. Two boys entered the room and you recognized them immediately. Ron and Harry.

"Made it!" Ron exhaled in relief. "Can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?"

The cat jumped off from the table, transforming back to McGonagall. She approached the two boys who were in awe. "That was bloody brilliant!"

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley." McGonagall acknowledged. "Perhaps, it'd be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket-watch. That way, one of you might be on time." She scolded.

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