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TW // attempted self-harm!


You and your friends were on the train back to Hogwarts. You were sitting beside the window, staring outside with your chin rested on your palm.

Harry, who was beside you, was looking down at the floor, Hermione was reading a newspaper while Ron was reading a book. You glanced at the newspaper she was reading and there you found a picture of your father and your family's picture. You sighed and looked back at the view.

Hermione was glancing at you worriedly and you didn't notice. You were too busy. You were looking outside but it felt like you were looking at the place where your father died.

That event kept replaying and replaying on your mind.

"Anything from the trolley?" You heard the Trolley witch asked. Harry and Ron quickly stood up and purchased their candies. Hermione sighed and sat down beside you, taking Harry's seat. "Are you alright?"

You didn't want to talk. You were afraid that if you utter a word, you would break down into tears. For weeks you have been crying and you were tired. But you still wanted to let it out.

You shrugged and looked at her while giving her a fake smile. "I'm... fine." You managed to say. Sometimes you feel numb, angry, or down. You've never left your room after the incident. Your mum tried to talk to you, even your sister did, but you remained quiet.

Hermione noticed you so she changed the subject as Harry and Ron sat back to their seats. "This is horrible! How can the Ministry not know who conjured it? Wasn't there any security...?" She asked in frustration, referring to the mayhem at the World Cup and the Dark Mark.

"Loads, according to Dad," Ron spoke up. "That's what worries them so much. It happened right under their noses."

You looked at Harry who was scratching his scar. "It's hurting again, isn't it?" You asked with no emotion, too tired to give one. Harry looked at you confusingly. "Your scar."

"I'm fine." Harry smiled.

Hermione leaned closer to Harry with a serious face while you tied your hair into a ponytail. "You know Sirius will want to hear about this. What you saw at the World Cup and the dream? You have to tell him."

You didn't bother to ask them what his dream was about because they already told you about it earlier.

Harry started writing a letter to Sirius. After placing his godfather's name, he let Hedwig flew to find Sirius with the letter he made.

Harry sighed and looked at you but your eyes are on the window. "Lots of people came to the funeral." He spoke causing you to look at him. "(Y/n), I really am sorry for your father."

"It's fine Harry." You smiled, fake again. "You guys attended and it was fine."

"Was it the Killing Curse that killed your father?" Ron asked.

You nodded and felt the urge to cry again but you controlled yourself. You clenched your fist and took a deep trembling breath. "I..." You shut your eyes closed and finally tears flow down. "It should have been me. I really miss him."

Hermione pulled you to her arms and hugged you while you sobbed on her chest.


"Well, now that we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement," Dumbledore spoke until Filch came out running towards Dumbledore. Students looked at him weirdly and some snickered on the way he runs.

"This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen--" Dumbledore was stopped when Filch whispered something to him.

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