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You, Hermione, and Ron were on your way to see the Shrieking Shack. Harry wasn't able to come along again but you knew he would find his way to get inside. 'It's Harry. Of course, he would always get into trouble.'

You were focused on your way until you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see Draco Malfoy in his winter outfit. "Malfoy?"

"Stark." He greeted.

"Um, (Y/n)," Hermione called out. "Ron and I will go on. You two should talk." She smiled warmly. You nodded and your two friends walked away.

You slipped your hands on your pockets and looked at Draco confusingly. "Can I help you with anything?"


"Look, Malfoy, I know you hate me for avoiding you and being unable to help you remember." You sighed. "But trust me, I really do want to help. I'm just scared of approaching you."

"I don't bite."

You chuckled. "Yeah, no, I know." You looked down at your feet, avoiding his gaze. "You know you should've insulted me back on the library..."

"Heavens, no. I can't do that." He stepped forward and lifted your chin to meet his eyes. He shrugged. "The reason why I'm here is that I want to say sorry."

"Sorry?" You asked, raising a brow. "Why?"

"For everything." He scratched the back of his neck and looked down, feeling guilty. "I did hate that you were trying to avoid me because we are supposed to be friends. But I guess it was my fault as well. Doom. I shouldn't have listened to her."

You crossed your arms as you smiled. "She told you that you hate me, didn't she?"

Draco nodded. "But whenever I look at you, it feels wrong. My mind wonders why would I hate you. If I did hate you, I must be a fool and blind." He sighed and looked at you. "And heartless."

You shook your head and placed your hand on his shoulder. "Hey, you're not heartless. Sometimes, maybe." You teased making him smile a bit. "Don't listen to Stacey's lies. She's just trying to poison your mind against me."

He looked down again and observed something. You looked down and saw him observing the ring and bracelet I gave him. "Stacey told me my mother gave these to me. But a part of me was saying that she didn't." His eyes slowly looked at yours. "Someone else gave these to me."

You smiled and held his hand. "I gave those to you." You showed your hand up to show him the bracelet he gave you. "And you gave this to me."

He blinked for a moment then smiled. "Yeah?"

You nodded. "Yeah."

"Now," Draco cleared his throat and stood up straight. "Clearly, Doom is lying." He stretched his arm for you to shake. "Let's start this thing over. I'm Draco Malfoy."

You blinked in surprise before chuckling and accepting his handshake. "And I'm (Y/n) Stark."

"Malfoy. Draco Malfoy."

"(Y/n). (Y/n) Stark."

Draco's smile faded as he looked down at your hands and he blinked a few times. Some memories were starting to come back. His memories of you.


"Seriously Malfoy?"

The time when the students had their first flying lessons. 'She was disappointed when I insulted Longbottom.' Draco told himself.

"Malfoy, you really don't have to--"

"Were you hurt? What happened?"


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