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You walked inside Lupin's office back at the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. You closed the door behind you and stand from afar. "Is there something you need, professor?"

Lupin gestured you to sit which you obliged. "The boggart... I am not going to lie but... it was quite disturbing. Are you alright, Ms. Stark?"

You shook your head as you looked down at your hands. "Just... troubled, I suppose. I got a lot of things on my mind right now, sir."

"You can talk to me, (Y/n)," Lupin replied as he sat down on his own chair. "Are you scared that your fear might come true?"

You clenched your fists onto the sleeves of your robes. "And what if it did?"

Lupin sighed. "We are not sure of what will happen in the future. But I assure you, Edward Stark is quite a strong wizard. He was an excellent student as well."

You looked up to him. "You knew him?"

"Oh, boy, I do. He was a menace but bearable at most times. He's a genius as well. Just give him a tablecloth and some wooden sticks, he could create something extraordinary."

"He once created something out of a plastic bag, hairpins, and a paper." You chuckled. "Sometimes, I still wonder how he did it."

"Oh, I remember him making something to impress his girl. I even remember him making a potion to annoy Lucius."

You stared at him in surprise. "Really?"

"Edward and Lucius were both Slytherins but they were rivals." Lupin explained as he stood up and roamed around his office. "Starks and Malfoys were known to be enemies. But there are times that Edward and Lucius managed to be friends. You could say that sometimes they're friends and sometimes they're enemies."

Lupin turned around and approached you. "I even remember Edward Stark winning multiple times whenever he fights with Lucius Malfoy." He slightly laughed. "Look, what I'm saying is your father is quite capable of protecting himself. And if he dies, all we can do is give him honor and remember him."

He patted your shoulder and smiled. "Just spend your time with your family once in a while. Try not to overthink it that much."

You nodded and stood up. "Thank you, professor."


"Now remember, these visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. McGonagall reminded students who were crowding together in the center of the courtyard. "Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way that privilege shall not be extended again."

Harry stepped forward and gave the permission slip to McGonagall. "No permission form signed, no visiting to the village," McGonagall spoke, looking at Harry sadly. "That's the rule, Potter."

"Those with permission, follow me." Filch spoke up as he descended from the stairs. "And those without, stay put."

Students followed Filch while you, Hermione, and Ron stayed to wait for Harry.

"But, professor, I just thought if you could sign it, then I could--" Harry tried to reason with her but McGonagall shook her head.

"I can't." McGonagall sighed. "Only a parent or a guardian can sign. Since I'm neither, it would be inappropriate." She started to walk away but stopped and faced Harry and placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Potter. That's my final word."

She started walking away and followed some students. Harry groaned in frustration and looked at you, Hermione, and Ron. "Forget it guys. See you later." He turned his back and walked away.

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