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"Ugh!" Hermione groaned in frustration as she entered the Common Room with you. "I cannot believe him!"

You stayed quiet as Hermione continued her rant. "How dare he? How dare he assume and tell me that no one would ask me out?" She huffed as her ears and nose turned red in anger. "If he wasn't my friend, I could've cast a spell right then and there."

"You could still do it even if he is your friend." You suggested with a smile. "You could shut him up for all I care."

Hermione turned to you and stifled a laugh before sitting down with you on the couch. "Boys are insufferable." She sighed.

"Ah, they'll learn and grow up." You shrugged while taking a book to read. "It takes a long time for them to mature, honestly."

Hermione looked at you before looking down at your book. "You worried me, you know. You worried all of us."

You lowered your book and looked at her. "I'm sorry for worrying all of you. And thank you for staying with me when I was really down. I never meant to worry and hurt all of you."

Hermione smiled. "It's alright. You're my best friend and seeing you suffering alone pains me." She held your hand. "You are never alone, remember that."

You placed your book down and hugged Hermione causing her to hug you back. "Thanks, Mione."

"Anytime, (Y/n)."

You pulled away and smirk. "So, who's the lucky person?"


"I'm serious, who is it?" You asked Hermione as you tapped your fingers quietly on your book.

"It's a surprise." Hermione sighed as she stood up and took her book again. "Besides, you might tell Harry and Ronald."

You pouted as you stared at her while Hermione opened her book to check if her answers were right. "Don't be silly. You know I can keep secrets." You stated.

Hermione stopped on whatever she was doing before her eyes searched around first if anyone was in the Common Room. When it was clear, she leaned a bit closer to you. "Don't tell anyone about this. It's Viktor Krum."

You felt frozen and your eyes went wide until a smile appeared on your face. "Viktor Krum?"

Hermione nodded and looked back at the book she was reading. Her eyes were fixed to the text inside. "He asked me if I could be his date at the ball and I said yes. I'm guessing you've been asked by Malfoy?"

You stifled a laugh and shook your head. "Yeah, no." You replied. "He didn't ask me."

Hermione slammed her book shut and sat beside you. "He didn't? But has anyone asked you already?"

You nodded as you opened your book again. "Quite a few actually. One from Durmstrang, two from Hogwarts, and one from Beauxbatons."

Hermione gasped and slightly nudged you. "You got the three schools falling for you! Did you say yes to them?"

"Not yet. The Ravenclaw guy backed out because his parents insisted that he should come home for Christmas while the girl from Beauxbatons found the right girl for her."

"What's her name?"

"Vanya." You answered. "She's the Beauxbatons girl I'm talking about. She eventually met Sissy Cooper so I guess they're now each other's dates for the ball."

"And that leaves you with..."

"The guy from Durmstrang and a Gryffindor boy."

"The other guy is a Gryffindor? Who is he?"

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