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Hermione entered the Hospital Wing to find Draco Malfoy preparing his things. Hermione walked in and approached the blonde. "Do you need something, Malfoy?"

Draco turned around in surprise. "Blimey!" He gasped before continuing what he was doing. "Don't sneak up on me like that, Granger. I could've killed you."

Hermione crossed her arms as she watched Draco continue to prepare. "Am I just here to watch you, or do you have something to say?" She asked impatiently. "I still have borrowed books to return--"

"I need you to teach me a charm. A spell."

Hermione's expression changed when she heard what Draco said. "What?"

Draco turned around to face Hermione and sat down on the bed behind him. "Have you gone deaf, Granger? Do I really need to repeat myself to you?"

Hermione shook her head. "Sorry, I just needed to make sure." She sat down on a different bed just across Draco's. "It's quite a surprise that Draco Malfoy would want my help to learn a charm."

"Yeah, I don't like it either." Draco rolled his eyes. "But I'm desperate, and I have no other choice."

"Yes, you do. What about (Y/n)? I'm sure she can help you."

Draco looked down at the floor, clenching his jaw slightly. "That's the reason why I called you here. The charm that I need to learn is for me to use for (Y/n)."

Hermione's eyes repeatedly blinked before gasping out loud and smacking the blonde with her hand. "Oi!" Draco exclaimed. "Careful, woman! Who told you that you could even lay a finger on me?"

"(Y/n) isn't going to like what you're going to do, Malfoy." Hermione scolded. "Whatever it is your planning, I suggest that you should tell her first."

"I can't. If I did, she would disapprove. You know how stubborn she is."

Hermione smiled. "That's why you love her."

Draco cracked a smile in return, stifling a laugh. "Too much, actually." His smile faded as he sighed heavily. "I'll reverse it once this is all over. I can't let her suffer if the time comes that I'm going to die."

Hermione's expression changed into a worried one. "Don't say that. Malfoy, I don't know what you have to do but--"

"If I did die, promise me you won't reverse the charm," Draco stated sternly. "And if I did survive, I will be the one to tell her and reverse the charm. You and your friends aren't allowed to say anything to (Y/n) about this. Even her sister and her mother. Only I do."


"Granger, please." Draco huffed. "I can't believe I'm pleading to keep a promise to a Muggle-born."

Hermione gave him a short glare before nodding. "Alright, fine."

"Good. Shall we make an Unbreakable Vow?"



Hermione stared at you as you cast protective enchantments around the new area that you three have found. Harry was also casting spells but was glancing in your direction to check how you were doing.

After Ron's departure, you started giving them silent treatment but only speaking if necessary. Other than that, you were ignoring them. Harry glanced at Hermione before sitting beside her. "What should we do?" Hermione asked. "Malfoy's going to kill us if he ever finds out about this."

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