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You were on your way back to the Hospital Wing to visit Draco until you saw Hermione exiting from where you're supposed to be. She looked stressed and troubled. You ran up to Hermione in worry. "Mione? What's wrong?"

Hermione flinched and saw you. "(Y/n)! Oh, my God, you scared me."

"Sorry." You smiled. "Is there something wrong? Were you hurt?"

"What? No."

"Then what were you doing back at the Hospital Wing."

Hermione shook her head. "No reason. Just checked for some things that Ron may have left."

You didn't buy her reason, but you decided to go along with it. You leaned your head towards the door to see Draco buttoning up his white polo. You glanced at Hermione. "You sure you're okay, Mione?"

Hermione nodded. "Swell." She glanced back at the Hospital Wing before patting your back. "Meet me back at the common room, okay?"

You stared at her in surprise as she walked away in a hurry. You were curious and confused, but you shrugged and entered the Hospital Wing. You walked towards Draco, who grabbed his black suit and turned around, pausing when he saw you. "(Y/n)."

"Hi." You greeted with a wave. "You look like you're in a rush. Did Madam Pomfrey permitted you to leave?"

"I was actually going to to find you." Draco smiled. "And I told Madam Pomfrey that I'm fine now."

Draco took your hand and left the infirmary with you. You glanced down at your hands intertwined with Draco and noticed his black coat hanging above his shoulder with his other hand. Draco looked at you. "Where's Potter?"

"He's out looking for Hagrid. He's feeling lucky." You chuckled. You looked above your shoulder to look back at the infirmary before looking back at Draco. "Why was Hermione at the Hospital Wing?"

Draco shrugged. "I don't know. She was probably looking for the rest of Weasley's things. Why'd you ask?"

"She seems bothered and stressed, that's all." You replied. "I thought you two talked."

Draco remained quiet, but his hand gently squeezed your hand, letting you feel his metallic rings on each of his fingers. He stopped walking, causing you to halt as well and spinning around to face him, his arm stretched out with his hand still holding yours. You walked closer to him. "Is there something wrong?"

"Could we meet?" He asked. "A little later?"

You tilted your head in wonder. "I could stay with you while you're fixing the cabi--"

"No, no, no. You don't need to do that, love." He stepped closer to you and gently kissed your knuckles, his lips lingering for a moment when he pulled away. "Just meet me later. I'll send an owl to you on where to meet."

You placed your hand on his cheek. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Definitely." He leaned in and gave you a quick peck in the lips. "Now, I have to go. I'll see you later, my love."

You felt butterflies in your stomach from his last sentence as he walked away and wore his black coat. You blinked twice in surprise. "Later." You whispered.

You headed back to your dormitory when you noticed that Hermione wasn't around. You wanted to spend time with Ginny or your sister, but Ginny has just broken up with Dean while Megan was out with Peter doing God knows what. You sat on your chair and ran your fingers through your owl's feathers. Frigga cooed softly, leaning to your touch while you focused on the blank paper in front of your desk.

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