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Draco quickly entered, and before the door vanishes, you managed to enter quietly. You looked around and saw a bunch of unfamiliar objects around. Most are antiques, furniture, books, and artifacts. You walked around and found a familiar-looking letter between a book's pages. You pulled it out and opened it to find another letter from Wanda to Vincent.

My Vision,


⠀⠀⠀I ca...

⠀⠀⠀I can't. I don't know what to say. What else is there to say, darling? Now that you are gone. I want to bring you back. Bring you back to me. To my arms. To my embrace. You're all I have, Vis. Pietro died, and you were all I have. Why do you have to go? Should I come there with you? Or should I try to bring you back?

⠀⠀⠀I am lost, Vincent. I am lost without you. I feel like I have lost my will to live. I can't feel you. But you must remember... that I love you and I'll always will.

Forever yours,

'How the hell do I always find these letters?' You stuffed the letter into your pocket and looked around again to find Draco. You stopped in your tracks when you saw him placing the bird, the same bird he took a minute ago, inside a cabinet.

You stared at the cabinet. 'That looks oddly... familiar.' Draco noticed a feather on his sleeve, so he picked it up and observed it. Draco tilted his head slightly as he surveyed the small feather, his cold grey eyes examining it. He let it go, and the feather flew away.

It landed in front of you, and you caught it with your hand. You closed your hand and looked at Draco when he opened the cabinet. The bird was gone. He closed the wardrobe once again.

He closed his eyes and started whispering a spell. "Harmonia Nectere Passus."

Draco opened the door and exhaled shakily. You leaned closer to see what had happened. The bird has returned but is no longer moving. You watched as Draco's stone and cold face softened as tears welled on his eyes. Your heart broke into pieces when you saw him like this.

You have never seen Draco vulnerable in your years of stay in Hogwarts until now. Your heart shattered when you heard him sobbing. And you definitely did not hear nor see Draco crying. You placed your hand on your chest, clutching it, as you stepped back, not realizing you had stepped onto something that made a noise.

Your eyes widened in panic, and you quickly crouched down when Draco looked around, wiping his tears away. "Who's there?"

You gulped and tried to step back and leave, but it made worse when more noises were heard. You looked at Draco, who was marching his way in your direction. You frantically searched around to find a hiding place, but he had already found you.

He was looking down at me, his eyebrows furrowed, his cheeks were stained with his tears, and his eyes were glassy and bloodshot red.

You slowly stood up and clutched the sleeve of your robe. "Hi." You smiled nervously.

"What are you doing here?" He asked sternly.

You frowned and crossed your arms. "I should be asking you that."

He clenched his jaw and looked at you. "It's none of your business, (Y/n)."

"If an animal dies, it is my business, and I have the right to be upset." You argued. "I saw the bird, Malfoy!"

Draco flinched a bit, his fists clenching. "I-I didn't kill the bird." He stuttered; his voice was breaking.

You sighed and tried to grab his hand, but he stepped back. You pressed your lips together and looked down. "If only you could tell me what's going on, then maybe I could help you. That's the way the whole couples-thing works, you know."

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