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"Blood traitor..." Although it wasn't said out loud, you and your family knew you were blood traitors from the moment your father took an interest in Muggle things. You couldn't blame him. There were things in the Muggle world that you find very interesting and fascinating.

For example, cellphones and computers. Hermione explained those electronic gadgets to you, but you couldn't comprehend how they work and how people's faces could fit in such tiny boxes. For you, Muggles are magical in their own way.

However, there were people around your world who were against Muggles, such as pure-blooded families like the Black family and the Malfoy family.

Of course, the Malfoy family has slowly changed their views and turned down their prejudice against Muggles and Muggle-borns after the war. Draco, however, was the first one in his family to accept Muggle-borns like Granger because of you.

So seeing the word 'blood traitor' in your forearm didn't bother you that much. But it was still painful to remember how the blade of Bellatrix Lestrange's dug and slid to your skin as she carved the insult to your arm. You freshly remember blood sprinkling down after she entirely wrote the word and how she was proud and satisfied with it.

You shakily took a deep breath and rolled your sleeves down before looking at your boyfriend sleeping by your side. The two of you decided to rest in his dorm room after you had finished writing your essays. You couldn't believe that one of your professors would still make their students write essays after winning a war.

'I think I'd prefer being hit by the Cruciatus Curse than writing a thousand words for an essay.' You sighed. Of course, it wasn't exactly a thousand words you wrote. It was more than that.

You turned your body to face Draco, who was still having his nap. It was a relief to see his colors back, but you were worried about him blaming himself every single day for what happened during the war. You made sure to reassure him every day and soothe him whenever he broke down into tears.

You rest your hand on his left arm, gently massaging it to comfort him. Draco's eyes clenched tight when he felt your actions, and he started shaking his head. "No... stop." He whimpered.

Moving closer, you pulled him to your embrace with his head leaning on your chest. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here." You whispered, placing a gentle kiss on top of his head.

Draco fluttered his eyes open before closing them again and wrapping his arms around your waist. "I'm sorry..." He sighed.

"Don't be. It's okay."

You were returning a favor. You wanted to be there with him at all times, similar to what he did to you years ago. Although you managed to move on from your father's death, the fear was still there. Fear that your family will be gone, including your friends and loved ones. Including Draco. But your father's words were engraved to your brain to keep you sane and determined to keep everyone you love safe.

"I know you two can handle pain. Pain can make you stronger, and I know that because my girls are the toughest girls in the world."

After all, you promised Draco that you two would protect each other no matter what.

"I love you." You heard him murmured.

"I love you too." You replied.

Draco pulled away and leaned up to kiss your lips. "I'm sorry." He said between the kiss.

"Stop saying that."

Draco shook his head as he leaned back and sat up. "No, it's just... you know, we mostly spent time together with you, comforting me every time I break down." He stated, rolling his sleeves up to show you the mark. "This stupid mark always disgusts me..."

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